Sunday, November 27, 2005

It's Cookie Pookie time!

My my, when I think of cookies, I think of endless possibilities. No doubt, I really dig cookies not only because they're delicious but also cause of their convenience. Pop one in your mouth and satisfy your sugar craving. It's as simple as that.

Being a cookie lover, I always look out for cookies out there that look and taste pleasant. BUT you know what? I've come to find that nothing beats home made cookies. It's just so different. If you're a cookie-baker, you'll know what I'm talking about. Cookies are one of my favourite things to bake and I love the versatility; besides, baking some yourself will give you more choice as to what treasures you could 'dump' in.

So anyway, I'm sure you know what all this is leading to ya? COOKIE SWAP! Haha, Jennifer the Domestic Goddess came up with this tantalising theme for this month's Sugar High Friday and Is My Blog Burning. Yes, they've combined both events this time round.

We were supposed to bake up a batch or two of our most favourite homemade cookie(s). And naturally, I had to bake more of my yummilious Chocolate Chunk Cookies. Okay, call me boring or safe but I couldn't help it! I was simply craving for them, besides I've been quite stressed out studying for my exams that I knew I just had to get myself away from the books and mess up the kitchen again. :)

There you have it then... my cookie with chocful of bitter-sweet/dark chocolate. I love them to the max! Try it out will ya?

My favourite cookie in the world
Don't you feel like having a bite of that?

Broken Cookie
Now now, check out those CHUNKS. This is what I call a real cookie.

Allrighty, back to studying once more. Cookies rule... I hope I don't get distracted by all these cookie thoughts of mine... I'm already thinking of what cookies I shall bake next.. hmmm... that can wait till after Thursday! yes, that's the last day of my exams. Wish me luck y'all!


Chewy Centred Chocolate Chunk Cookie


3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
8 oz bittersweet chocolate, cut into chunks
Method:Preheat oven to 350 F / 180 degree celcius.
Cream together butter and sugars until smooth. Add egg and vanilla and blend in.
Mix the rest of the dry ingredients and add in chocolate chunks.
Use a tablespoon to drop cookie dough on to a greased baking sheet.
Bake for approx. 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown around the edges.
Once done, let it cool on a wire rack and enjoy.

*What makes the cookies chewy is the cornstarch. Omit the cornstarch and replace the baking soda with baking powder if you want to make crispy versions.
**Cornstarch is the same as cornflour. It's just the way they're called. In S'pore, it's cornflour.


  1. Oh, these do sound delicious. Cornstarch seems to be the trick for a lot of good cookies.
    And good luck!

  2. hey. i'm ann from malaysia. am 21 yrs old and happened to stumble upon your blog. fell in love with all the pics and recipes you post up. i'm also a great food lover and an absolute chocoholic. dark chocolates are my favourite too!! unfortunately, i'm not so blessed to have talent in baking/cooking. am really inspired though. i spend hours browsing your blog. keep it up. if i have enough courage, i might just try to pick up baking/cooking :Þ have a good day!


  3. Wow! Ive no idea how I ended up here. I just know I love it. Hope Ill one day reach those talents.(Sorry about my grammar/spelling errors)

  4. wah! it looks really good! maybe i will bake this when i am back in Sg.. if i have the time hehehe

  5. Oh my, what delectable looking cookies you have here! I think I'mn going to have to make these and soon! Yum!

  6. hellooo there!
    those cookies look scrumptious!
    was wondering what role does the cornflour hold in cookies? what is it suppose to do for the cookies?

    and would it make a difference if i used salted butter instead?

  7. Hi, after wandering almost everyday around here since ... hummm about 6 months now, I finally decide to show myself in the "open-air" !
    I may have written already once but I don't remember .
    Anyway, I chose this cookie recipe to express myself for the first(?) time because I'm actually on a "best cookie quest" and I needed to thank you for this one for it is still my favorite after a few tests.
    These are much better than Martha Stewart's soft and chewy ones or much, much, much better than Laura Tood's.
    So thank you "miss Baker" !!
    Bravo !
    I really love and really, really enjoy your wonderful blog !
