Thursday, December 01, 2005

Handy Coffee in a piece

Coffee in a guise

Ah.... today is the final day of my exams! okay i know I should be busy studying. but i just needed a break, thus this post. Wanted to share a little secret with the rest of you who might be students like me. Or basically anyone who wants a good 'wake-up' remedy.

You see that piece of chocolate up there? I found this gem at Candy Empire a few weeks ago and may I tell you how amazing it is? It has something hidden inside:

Espresso centre

That liquid centre which you see there is actually espresso. Yes, you read right, there was actually espresso in the middle of that piece of chocolate. I kid you not. And no i didn't dig out the chocolate and pour espresso in it. I don't have time for that! haha. anyway in case you're wondering, these are:

Pocket Coffee

Pocket Coffee! One of the more creative ways of including coffee in chocolate. These were rather effective I should say. Though the liquid tend to be a little too sweet, it sure did keep me awake for the past weeks during the wee hours of the morning which saw me slaving over my books. I first saw these chocolate on David Lebovitz's blog. He even wrote a haiku about it :

Trim cube of chocolate
Gush out liquid espresso!
Clever caffeine cloak

I didn't expect to find it in Singapore. But well thanks to Candy Empire, my most favourite candy store in the world, I was able to get these gems. And so... that's my secret. To keeping awake whilst burning the midnight oil! so now you know. oh wait, if you don't fancy eating these, you can put one piece in a cup of hot milo and stir it till it melts. And there you have it: Mocha; on the go! Cool huh?

Okie, back to studying... my literature paper is in 6 hours. After which, i'll be free!!! ... to enjoy the rest of my holidays...

P.S. I just received my Blogging by Mail #3 package from the lovely Sarah of Cooking with The Headhunter on Tuesday. Will post about it really soon, with pictures!


Candy Empire
Ground Floor, #01-95-98
Millenia Walk
9 Raffles Boulevard
Tel: 6336-2968
Millenia Walk

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