Vanilla. Mmm... the pure unadulterated scent of vanilla is enough to get you on a high. I used to think vanilla was boring, until I actually realised that it's actually a wonderful bean/pod/plant that can sometimes be subtle yet important. It's now my second favourite ingredient, after chocolate.
In order to taste the layered nuances of pure vanilla, it's advisable to use it in a simple recipe that doesn't have an overpowering ingredient lest it masks the vanilla completely.
My favourite vanilla recipe is my sweet little vanilla cupcakes.
Got the recipe from Food Network ages ago and have used it many times, and it is quite a hit with my friends. They love the buttercream icing as well. Actually it tastes just as good, without the icing. Oh, and I used vanilla sugar to enhance the vanilla taste.

Look at my beautiful cupcake babies cooling on the rack. Do take note that you must always allow your cupcakes to cool before slapping on the frosting. Or else the heat will melt the icing almost immediately and you'll get watery cupcakes.

My 'clothed' cupcakes. I love how the icing looks like snow. Snow covered cupcakes. How quaint. But I decided to add some colour:

and there you have it. my rainbow cupcakes. i didn't use food colouring to colour my icing. wanted it to be simple.

Look at that beautiful cupcake. I love these vanilla cupcakes and the upside of it? It's so easy to make!
Decided to make them for Adeline since we're meeting up today to celebrate her birthday which is actually next tuesday. Happy Birthday in advance Adeline! Hope you like the cupcakes!
How perfect looking! White cupcakes are far and away my favorite type of cupcake. It makes me sad that I baked a batch of brownies instead of cupcakes today...
skippety: OOoo i've got Magnolia Bakery's vanilla cupcake recipe... now i feel like trying it out
Nic: white cupcakes are simply quaint and genteel looking ya? brownies are good too... but ya i know whatcha mean!
chin ru: haha... aren't we all psychic. first muffins, now cupcakes. ya i think i should go get some colouring too. i've seen those pastel coloured icing and they look so cute
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