Cheese Fries
Fries, fries, fries. I have expressed my love for these golden wonders and I shall wax lyrical about them again.
Fries go well with almost anything. Try it with ice-cream, chocolate, ketchup, sour cream, mustard or CHEESE - it still manages to taste good. It's a must-have 'junk' food. Really, there's no need for you to steer clear away from fries whether you are on the Atkins diet, or the South Beach Diet, or god knows what diet.
Try my diet, I tell ya! My Eat-what-you-want-and-exercise-well diet. Trust me, it works. *grins*
Yes yes, if you're wondering where I'm going with this fries monologue... well let me have you know that I might just have found the perfect cheese fries.
Dined at Billy Bombers yesterday and my goodness, these cheese fries really takes the fries. And unlike those uncomparable versions sold at KFC etc, these ones are coated with Velveeta aged cheese. Melted real cheese. Not your run-of-the-mill over-salted chemical enchanced cheese sauce.
Me, Lina, and Shiv lapped the fries up real good. Yummy...

Bomber's Club Sandwich
I was craving for a big and mean sandwich so I decided on their Bomber's Club Sandwich.
It came with lots of chicken, lettuce, fried egg, bacon and tomatoes with cucumbers and oh... yes, pickles! It came in a ciabatta loaf which was kind of toasted lightly, so it had a crispy touch. Delicious. They were generous with their chicken and just about everything.
Well Billy Bomber's is modelled after a typical old-school American diner, so big portions are de rigeur!
I could choose potato salad or fries to go with my sandwich and i went with the salad. Since we were already having cheese fries, the salad seemed a better choice.

Balls O' Fire Spaghetti
Shiv had spag and we had a good laugh over how the waitress called said "Balls on fire", instead of "Balls O' Fire". It was hilarous.
Anyway the meat balls were made out of chicken thigh meat and wrapped in buttermint batter with tomato sauce. It was supposedly spicy, thus the 'fire'. haha.

Now that is a huge burger. But it ain't no ordinary burger. That's no normal beef patty you se there. It's actually rib-eye steak covered with double layer of melted cheese. They had sautéed onion and some good ol' mustard. Looks yummy doesn't it? Lina said it was good. But we were all really stuffed after.
Please always go to Billy Bomber's on a very empty and hungry stomach. Or else, you'll suffer the consequences! Try also, their ribs, it's really good. I had them previously and was convinced that they knew how to cook their ribs well. Order some chocolate malt if you have a sweet tooth.
Billy Bomber's
The Heeren Shops
260 Orchard Road
Tel: 6732-2249
wow... reading this entry has made me hungry again. And I just finished lunch.
You really should be considering a career as a Food Critic/Writer. I think you'd do very well.
They also have perhaps the only credible chocolate milkshake in Singapore.
hobbes: i take pleasure in making people's stomach growl.. haha.. anyways ya I am actually considering writing about food full-time, eventually. so this blog is just a start, for me.
colin: I second that =)
jennifer: wow, i'm sure i'll love poutine. but i've never had it before... not sure if they sell it here. haha, what diet? i eat anything! lol... i can always run if off... :)
I tried the Billy Bomber's @ Bugis Junction a few months back and my 2 friends and I were very disappointed as the sandwiches and burgers weren't as nice as we expected. We wondered if the young cooks aren't well trained or their standard has dropped. It was my first time @ Billy Bomber's and at that time, I wanted it to be the last. So everytime, my sis and I walked past the one @ Heeren, we gave it a miss. After your review, maybe I should give Billy Bombers @ Heeren a try.
michie: yes yes. i love aussie's wedges though. i prefer chunky fries to skinny ones. ya the one at KFC is cheap and yummy but sometimes the sauce just tastes too salty!
coboypb: i've only eaten at Heeren's Billy Bombers.. this is my third time. but i've always enjoyed the food there. maybe it's because this outlet is in a more central and 'touristy' area so their standards are better? just guessing here. Why not try it and decide for yourself ? :) do get the ribs. they're gorgeous...
Hey~Came across your blog in google..was checking to see if Billy Bomber's still has anoutlet in Singapore. Looking at the pictures posted here...whoa! A must-go....
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