I'm involved in a torrid affair.
An affair so hot and messy that I get teary as it gets fiesty.
How long has this been going? It's been so long that I've lost count! Whatever it is, I believe I have my Dad to thank. Obviously you dear readers know what I'm talking about.
My affair with all things spicy that is.
I'm inspired to write this post after reading Leo's Red Hot Love Affair. He's another person I know who loves chilli as much as I do. Seriously, it's a love that surpasses all others. Come on, to love something that burns you or chokes you or makes you tear?
You must be thinking "who's she kidding, she's obviously mad!".
I am mad! Madly in love with chilli. I was nodding my head the entire time as I was reading Leo's bond with the red hot spicy gem. All of you chilli-lovers should read it! We should have our own Chilli Club - we'd go round the island searching for the best chilli: be it sambal belachan, chilli padi, chicken rice garlic chilli, etc...
Why do I sound so obsessed with something that sounds torturing? Trust me, I do have a 1001 reasons. But perhaps if you realise that as much as it is painful, it is this pain that makes it so endearing. Wait... I know i know, you must be thinking what a sadist I am. I don't necessary adore pain, but I am unpredictable and I totally dig the spontaneous rush I get from consuming chilli. Sometimes you never know how spicy it gets or how lousy it is. That's the excitement of eating chilli.
Heck, I'm adventurous. I've even tried Dave's Insanity Sauce.
Yes, you read right: INSANITY Sauce. It's really a hot sauce that promises to make you cry and run straight to the freezer. What's this about? You see, red habaneros make up the bulk of the sauce. I've read that this was the only sauce banned from hot sauce competitions because it was simply too hot! Before you dismiss this information, let me tell you, I've tried it!
A few years ago, I was at my photojournalism lecturer's place with my classmates for a farewell do. We ordered pizza and were happily chowing down on dough & meat when Mr. Umehara (that's my lecturer's name) brought out this delicate bottle with the words Insanity Sauce.
Me, being the ultimate chilli lover quietly dismissed the label and tried some. I didn't believe what he said (about it being the hottest sauce ever) so I tried it on the pizza....
GUESS what happened?
My tongue burst into flames.
Then it fell to the ground, black and ashen.
Just then, I wished I had Harry Potter's wand to fix my tongue.
Hmmm. HAHA. Pardon my lame attempt to include magic on this blog!
Anyhow, it was seriously seriously hot. Thing is, I only put a drop! This is lethal stuff I thought. Geez! My classmates and I were pretty excited. Haha... we decided to play a prank on those who arrived late. We 'hid' drops of the sauce in the pizza and offered it to latecomers.
No tongue was spared. Everyone looked as though they were eating fire. It was that strong! I will never forget that experience. I believe Mr. Umehara bought it from the States but he said he saw it sold here somewhere. I've been looking high and low for it but to no avail.
Since then, my eyes widen whenever I see bottles of hot sauce because I would really love to relive that insane experience simply for the kick (or to play pranks) :p
Now now, I'm not an evil person! I just like to have fun. So since I don't have any insanity sauce with me, I'll just have to make do with my old favourite Tabasco.
But I've recently discovered something that's quite easy on the tastebuds - Cholula Hot Sauce. I believe it's Mexican but even though it doesn't pack as much punch as Dave's Insanity sauce, it works well because of its slightly tangy undertone. A bottle costs $2.30 and I found it at Mustafa Centre. I've been eating it with almost anything! I have to go back to get more though... it's finishing soon.
Hey, I've an idea, someone should bring Dave's Insanity Sauce here! Or better yet, if you know any place that sells it, drop me and email! Best, if you're in the States and are coming back, could you kindly get me a bottle? I will bake you cookies I promise! :D