So I turned 24 yesterday and although there wasn't much fanfare, I was happy.
I believe it was more of the serenity and calm whirr of the day's events that gave me comfort, amidst of my happiness.
I was happy not because I received pretty presents and neither was it because those who remembered my birthday sent me text messages and called me to wish me. It wasn't because my bosses bought a lovely birthday cake for me (okay maybe that did play a part. it was after all the only cake I got and it was delightful :)
The happiness I felt wasn't so much that "kick your heels in the air and whoop for joy" kind. It's just the plain knowledge that every day that comes by is a day to celebrate and live for.
I had become a person who finds joy in plain and simple things. You of all people should know that I find something as simple as food to be a huge blessing. A bare toast (and maybe some butter with that) would suffice in making me happy. So would a soft warm scone.
29 July became a day that marked my existence and also a celebratory reminder to treat everyday special. It certainly sounds really corny and cliche but the significance I take in it is fairly strong.
My birthday is special not because it was the day I was born but because of the people around me who have loved me abundantly. I am who I am today as a happy, loud, animated 24-year old female only because of my family and friends who have been there for me at the different stages of my life. Without these people, my existence would be empty and thus lacking in anything celebratory. God gave me plenty to be thankful for and I want to also thank you. It might be your first time reading this, or you might be a friend or family or some faint acquaintance. Nevertheless, I want to thank you for being a part of my life.
Lately, through new friends I've made and bumped into, I realised how well planned God has made everything out to be. People like the lovely design couple Brenda and Hanson, and Lavy, a kindred spirit who's so like me it's scarily cool (she happens to be my junior).
There are of course other beloved people like my best friend Dot, and Alvin & Clara, oh and my beloved Eden team at Amplify. I would love to mention all of my wonderful friends but well you know who you are. There are so many who I miss and wish I had time to meet often and those whom I've lost touch and of course there are some who have slowly drifted away. It's inevitable, definitely. But thank God for you and you and you.
This is the fourth time this blog has celebrated my birthday with me. Yes this blog has been with me for more than four years, it's quite unbelievable. When I started this, I didn't expect it to be read by anyone and to last that long.
My blog might have grown and aged but one thing's for sure, I will keep it going for as long as my love for food never wanes. The key word in that sentence is never. Now bold and CAPS it, yes I believe you get my drift.
Now, before you get bored of my birthday revelations and ramblings, let's talk about brunch. Sunday brunch to be precise. No, make that a pre-birthday Sunday brunch.
Yes, I had brunch.
A great one. It was memorable not only because the food and coffee was good, but also because the company was great. Put three foodies together and you get excitement amidst drools. But put three hyper foodies in Jones the Grocer and you get a bunch of madcaps chattering away in between mouthfuls, threatening to choke any time. Now I think the latter proves more accurate in this case.
One of them share the same birthday as me and the other is a precious friend who is like a little sister to me. They are none other than Alvin and Clara, my two foodie friends who never fail to make me laugh (especially Alvin!).
We wanted to celebrate mine and Alvin's birthday so I suggested Jones the Grocer since Sunday was the only day Clara could make it.
You know it was a desision all three of us did not regret when you see the following photos:

Check those out! The Jones breakfast set includes two poached eggs, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, sausages, and sourdough toast.
Clara and I couldn't resist the scones and English muffins so we ordered that as well. In the end we ordered more toast and that sealed the deal. Oh don't forget to top that off with a good strong Macchiato if you are ever there. It's that good - their espresso's phenomenal.
Note the photo of the perfect poached eggs with runny yolk? I was so excited that I had to ask Alvin to slice it open slowly so I could take a photo for you to see. Oh and in case you didn't know, I adore runny egg yolks. They are divine.
Jones the Grocer is a great place for families and for friends who are looking for a spacious place to chill out. Here's a few interior shots for the uninitiated:

It's certainly very Australian and I love it. It's the second time I've been there and I am honestly hooked on their toast, scones, coffee and ambience.
In the end, I bought an orange passionfruit spread from Jones. I tried it for breakfast yesterday and thought it was refreshingly delicious.
If only I could have brunch there every Sunday. Yes, if only. Right now I have to make do with kaya toast and soft boiled eggs, not that I mind!
Jones the Grocer is now my current new fixation. See how powerful a toast can be?
Perhaps before I go, I will leave you with a quote that has been repeating in my mind. You might find it familiar, those of you who've watched Batman Begins (and yes, I love The Dark Knight by the way): "It's not who you are but what you do that defines you".
How very true indeed.
A warm pre-birthday breakfast is indeed divine! Happy belated birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday to you!
Hey, we share the same birthdate! :)
Is Jones The Grocer in Sin?
Happy birthday!! "Why so serious??" *insert evil laughter*
Btw, the breakfast looks really good! Time to pay Jones the Grocer a visit soon.
ahha, Dempsey Hill ! the orange passionfruit spread, must try....
I stumbled into your blog, some call it ' fate '. =P A very happy belated birthday to you, babe. =) My, you're so young, but all your passion for baking and understanding food... what a darling. When I was your age, I only knew how to eat, but I've never stepped a single toe into the kitchen. =P
May the Lord continue to bless you and fill your life with His joy, love and peace. God bless...
Happy belated birthday!
mrs ergül: thank you!
kickjazz: really? hey that's cool! us Leos rock don't we ;p
ganache ganache: yep Jones the Grocer has a branch in Singapore!
haley: thanks for the invite. am searching for a cool berry recipe now. will post something up soon!
the hungry cow: yo! long time no see! thank you! and yes do pop by Jones the Grocer soon... it's lovely.
anon: thanks for the birthday wishes :) well it's never too late! are you big on food as well?
su-lin: thank you! and by the way, i really should try your pork with basil and chili dish. i adore basil and do enjoy a good dose of minced pork over rice. it's comfort in it's bare state!
Happy belated birthday!
I love Jones the grocer as well. It has a very nice laid back happy feel. I had the poached eggs + sourdough + mushrooms the last time with really nice masala tea/honey/milk. I simply adore the atmosphere. Since my birthday is coming up real soon, I think it's time that I paid another visit to Jones. :P
Happy belated birthday! Many more wonderful ones to come.
Happy Belated Birthday! I enjoy reading your blog, and I love Jones The Grocer too! The cupcakes are soooo pretty, and the staff are so helpful without being intrusive... Their vanilla extract is good too. If only I could afford everything at Jones :-)
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