Friday, November 13, 2009

Coming soon....

To my dear readers (that's assuming people still read this blog!),

I apologise for the very long hiatus. It is clear that I have been missing in action for about 5 months.

This shout-out is just to let you know that I have not abandoned this food blog. I have a good reason for this silence. I have been planning for something that will take this food blog to a whole new level.

Be patient with me as I work out the kinks. You will hear from me very soon. This time, I will blog, muse and cook excessively.

I am very excited and I hope you are too.

See you soon!



  1. I haven't visited in a long time too, and just happened to drop by today. Can't wait!

  2. Hi Cheryl,

    My friend recommented me your blog a few years back. Since than been your silent follower. Was indeed disappointed to see the blog not updated. Nvertheless, still pop in on and off, hoping to see u dropped a line or two.

    Like a number of your recipes and had been using them.

    Thanks Cheryl, for your generousity to share the recipes. Hope to "hear" from u soon. Very excited to see what's gg to happen.


  3. Hey Cheryl,

    Sounds like you're gonna do a Julie/Julia thingey. :P

  4. waiting... waiting... waiting.... :) Excited to share the news :)

  5. I have been checking this space now and then to see if you have a new post. I know it is definitely not over.. was thinking you might be busy at work. Will wait patiently then for something bigger!

  6. Been quite a while! Must be some MAJOR change. Looking forward to it!

  7. i am! (:

    "I will blog, muse and cook excessively..." Please do! haha.

  8. Great. I look forward to it. I actually discovered your blog during your long break :)

  9. right here waiting :-)

    Faithfully yours!

  10. Do write soon! I can't wait for updates!

  11. Thank God. Be back soon.

    Missing you & your recipes. :)

  12. Glad you will be back soon :)

  13. hi Cheryl!

    I love reading your blog! You've got me all excited to see whats going to happen. :)
