Those of you who are aware of the Chinese Zodiac and the lunar calendar would know that this year is the year of the rat.
Yes, that's right, the same rodent whose celebrity status shot up last year as kids and adults alike lapped up the delicious animation Ratatouille as if it was the best stew ever.
And it so happens that I am a rat. Yes siree. I'm one of those...
those pesky creatures who raid your garbage cans, and of course, I love cheese. But I'm smart enough not to fall for those silly mouse-traps.
Ah-ha, so now you know, I'm actually a rat blogger.
Hey, don't give me that look of disbelief. If a rat can be a chef and run his own French restaurant, why can't I have a blog of my own?
Aren't you so biased! So what if Remy's now a Hollywood superstar. Heck, I can have what he's having. He's just lucky!
Okay, so maybe I'm going cuckoo. Or maybe I'm just so fascinated by these rat pastries:

Yep, aren't they super cute? They're also edible. Which is a pity. I just want to keep them forever. My fellow rat cookie friends.
By the way, I wasn't kidding when I said I am a rat. It's just that hmmm I don't have whiskers, I don't have a tail and unlike your typical neighourhood rat, I'm not small... no no no... I'm tall, quite tall. All 1.7m of it. So maybe if I'm a rat, I'll probably represent my town in rat basketball. Hmmm.... and I'll be the most popular rat because I can reach that top cupboard - ya ya, I know where you all hide your goodies. All those delicious chocolate chip cookies, Tim Tams, jelly beans and Pringles... Don't you pretend!
Ha, I see that, I see you rolling your eyes! Okay, maybe I can never be a real rat. But it's okay. I think I'm glad I'm human. But it won't hurt to be a cute rat, not unlike this cute little cookie:

Let's give him a name shall we? Hmmm... Mr. Cat.
Haha. that'll be really funny. No, that's not funny. That's lame.
How about Mr. Snook. Yes that fits better.
So about Mr. Snook - you see... some baker (from a stall at Old Airport Road I think!) was feeling creative and decided to create Mr. Snook and his merry friends. Then my neighbour (she lives next block) was so sweet and she bought a box of them rat friends and gave it to us.
My mum used to babysit her grandson Timmy.
Ah Timmy's one adorable child. Very creative and very smart. He's now 8. He likes to draw as well. And so when we were busy eating up Mr. Snook's friends, Timmy decided to draw a portrait.
And here it is:

A portrait of Mr. Snook. Okay, it doesn't look much. But hey it's pretty accurate. Wait till you put Mr. Snook next to his 2D likeness:

Not bad eh? Okay perhaps the nose could have been pointier. But hey, it's pretty good!
Haha... and I was that much amused. So amused that I had to take photos.
I wish I had the time and patience to make cute goodies like these.
Maybe I should try it out. When I have time. Oh by the way these rats were stuffed with pineapple paste. Yep, they were rat versions of your typical pineapple tarts.
In case you were also wondering.... yes, Mr. Snook and his friends are dead. They went to pastry heaven.
Timmy ate them all....

hahaha... okay I lied. Not all... But he did eat Mr. Snook.
Oh well, at least I have this blog post to remember him by....
R.I.P Mr. Snook.
Couldnt help but to say the little kid is so Cute! Don't you just love their way of expression?
Lovely... Mr.Snook is Soooo..Cute~
oh mine...the rats are so cute!! awww!! how about making other animals next time! hehe, perhaps u can then open a zoo! :D
hi.could i just check with you?saw ur previous food blog and you used to sell your cookies in this containers.if you dont mind,could you tell me where do you get those containers??thanks a million :)
hi.. do you know of any honeydew cookie recipe?
are you losing your touch in blogging about food?
Hey, I usually do like your blog but were you high on pineapple paste?
Sorrie,essays... grr!
j'adore moi
I think she's just uberly busy with her new job so it seems like she's not blogging much but she's still a huge-ey foodie :D
yea the rats were really cute! i couldn't bear eating them all.
i'm sorry i haven't been able to post as often! i'm working full-time now and don't have as much time to blog. I hope you all will understand!
and no i wasn't high on pineapple paste, i was simply in a ridiculous mood. you know, those days when you just want to be silly.
but yes i still love my food! will try my very best to blog more. thanks for dropping by! :D
those rats are really cute and so nicely done. i made my own version of pineapple rats for CNY this year too! and it was alot of work haha :p
Great idea. THanks for that. I still have pineapple paste left but too lazy to start baking tarts again. But this has inspired me. ;) Timmy is so cute. He'll be breaking lots of hearts that boy. ;)
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