Thursday, January 03, 2008

Embracing 2008!

Me and my dearest cousin Krystle

Am BACK home! Well I actually flew back on 2 January and reached Singapore late at night.

Felt the humidity the moment I stepped off the plane!

I really miss Taiwan! Those 15 days were absolutely fantastic. I visited more than 5 mountains and attractions. Also managed to catch the countdown in Taipei!

Witnessed the spectacular fireworks from Taipei 101 (2nd tallest building in the world) that lasted 188 seconds:

The next one looks really fiery and red!

I have LOADS of photos. Not just of food but also of mountains and the scenic surroundings.

To quickly summarise, here's a list of the places we went:

花莲 (Hualien) > 太鲁阁 (Taroko Marble Gorge) > 梨山 (Li Shan) 清境农场 (Cing Jing Farm) > 合欢山 (Hehuanshan) > 关子岭 (Guanziling Mud Spa) > 阿里山 (Alishan) > 台北 (Taipei).

We didn't follow any tour group. My industrious aunt did all the research and made all the bookings, calls and arrangements prior to the trip, ensuring a smooth sailing 15 days of relaxation and loads of exhiliarating fun.

I do think my aunt can be a successful travel planner. She doesn't join tour groups and usually plans her holidays on her own. My grannie is blessed with such a capable daughter like her. Likewise, she's an aunt I'm blessed to have!

Though we were in the mountains most of the time, it wasn't boring. I kinda like the peace and tranquility. Even my aunt was a little surprised at our thorough contentment with the entire trip.

This was a much needed break. Ideal to end the year with. I look plenty of photos, more than 1GB worth. All packed with delicious pixels dying to make you drool and scenic greenry guaranteed to unleash the poet in you.

I don't have time right now to post all the photos especially since I've started work today so I'll do them slowly. So please bear with me yes?

Here's just a few squick snapshots - think of them as teasers!:

One of my favourite breakfast choice - one that I've come to love. This was in Taipei. It's rice stuffed with porkfloss, with fried dough fritter and an optional Taiwan sausage. Filling but nutritious (the rice part esp! duh!)

Basil omelette! I loved this one! Had it at this great restaurant at Alishan. It was so good that we patronised this place two nights in a row for dinner. Their hot pot is delicious too!

And how can I leave out 7-11! I really adore Taiwan's 7-11. Yes it sounds ridiculously stupid but I can't stop cooing, ooo-ing and ahhh-ing the cute 7-11 mascot. I know that the adjective 'cute' is not something most people would associate 7-11 with. But trust me, in Taiwan, 7-11 is king! I get excited whenever I come across a 7-11 in Taiwan. I can't help it - their offerings are so much more cuter!

That's how it looks from the inside....

and here's some cute packaging! Don't you just love the mascot? Uber cute.

A'ight that's all I have for now!

Will try my best to upload more photos asap.

Happy New Year to you and you and YOU!

May this new year of 2008 be fruitful and awesome!


  1. Hey, hey, welcome back. Happy New Year to you. Can't wait for pics and updates. Good luck at new job.

  2. Wishing you a Blessed New Year! May your ministries all be fruitful.

    Oh man.. Everytime people go to Taiwan, they talk about the great food. I should make a trip one of these days!

  3. i'm glad that you enjoyed taiwan! it's such a fantastic place to go!! i love the 7-11 stores there too! my friend and i kept buying loads of chewing gum and hi-chew from the stores coz it was super cheap! so it's worth the money!

    anyway, did you get a few packets of the popcorn that you shot in the picture?

    i've tasted two flavours and thought that the cheese one was not that bad! quite yummy in fact.

    btw, happy new year!!

  4. Hey Cheryl

    To your delight, they are selling the glutinous rice with stuffings at Novena Square too! =)

    And, you take pretty good shots! Are you using a SLR?

  5. My sister found your site and knew I would love it... I do! You've inspired me to cook more and perhaps put together my own "foodie" blog.


  6. hey! how did u go? is it free and easy? Do you know people there in taiwan to bring you about or you went on a tour? Sorry! am curious as i want to go on backpacking.

  7. nice pics of the fireworks! Just curious what camera did you use to shoot them?

  8. love all of your pics :) the red firework especially, it's amazing!! great chef and photographer ;)
