Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I, the food blogger, speaks.

Hello! My name is Cheryl and I love to daydream. I am also the sort of person who stares out of the bus window and has her thoughts wandering about across the horizon. I'm the sort of person who looks out for rainbows when it rains on a sunny day. I'm one of those thinkers who ask questions all the time, like "What is the one thing I'm thankful for right now? Which part of me would be so drastically different if I didn't have that one thing?" My answers vary. Some days it'll be about my family, some days I would just thank God for the roof over my head. Well today my answer is rather obvious, it's something I live and breathe. Writing of course! What else? haha. The pen is my tool and words are my craft (well aside from my cookies and cupcakes...). I'm glad that I'm able to write. I'm happy that I was blessed with an education and an environment (this is where I thank my convent school background. IJ girls, you know what I mean! haha) that promoted all things literary and artistic. I do identify myself as a writer and I'm proud of that fact. You could say that I write for a living - whether is it for my personal collection or freelance etc. What's even better is the birth of this food blog some 2 years back. Maintaining this blog has not only honed my food writing skills, it has also given me many many opportunities and allowed me to make many wonderful friends all over the world! I've been exposed to so many different food cultures and stories that I simply do not know where to begin or end. I've never given a proper introduction on this blog, so I'm using this post, to enable you to put a face to a cyber food crazed individual who fell in love with words first.

So if you're here, reading this humble food blog of mine, I can only guess that like me, you like food, or maybe you like looking at photos of food... or perhaps you're actually new to the food blogging scene. Whatever it is, may I invite you to The Arts House this Sunday! Aun Koh (of Chubby Hubby), Keropok Man and myself will be there to tickle your tastebuds at a session organised by the people behind the Singapore Writers Festival. Here's a short snippet about the session:


F-logging – The Fine Art of Food Blogging
Sun 2 Dec 5pm – 6pm Earshot
Featuring: Cheryl Chia, Keropok Man and Aun Koh
A mouth-watering session with some of Singapore most popular bloggers, F-logging – The Fine Art of Food Blogging, promises to whet your appetite and tease the most delicate of palettes. Expect generous servings of food blogging tips and techniques accompanied by light conversation. This hearty meal is a must for serious foodies everywhere!


I'm really looking forward to this session. It's my first time being involved in the Singapore Writer's Festival. I've always wanted to go but never had the time to. Well now I have no excuse. Do come if you're free and come up to say hi yes? :)

Oh and there's a book launch prior to the food blogging session. You might want to check it out too. It features Southeast Asian Cooking. Mmmmm... sedap! Here's more details:


Foodlore and Flavours: Inside the Southeast Asian Kitchen
Sun 2 Dec 4pm – 5pm Earshot
Foodlore and Flavours: Inside the Southeast Asian Kitchen is the first book to focus exclusively on the cuisines of all ten ASEAN member nations - simultaneously offering a regional and a country specific perspective while delving specifically into the cultural significance of the region’s culinary folklores and traditions. With a clear and highly visual approach, it will serve as the layman, enthusiastic home chef, and ASEAN enthusiast’s key resource for authentic Southeast Asian recipes and the cultural role that food plays in Southeast Asia.


For more information, do visit http://www.singaporewritersfestival.com/home.html

By the way, the festival is from 1 to 9 of December and there are many other fringe and mini programmes that look really interesting. Check them out!

Oh and I hope to see you there this Sunday!

Lots of love,


  1. I really like this blog!

    Just out of curiosity....Do you know where I can get quality foods and ingredients online? I am trying to order from online stores only because of various reasons.......do you by chance, have any suggestions you can send my way??????

    These are the places I have tried:
    celebrityfoods (best one i found to be the best out of the 4 by the way)

  2. sounds like a great event!

    Hmmm I think I shall go for it! :-p

  3. hahaha keropok man. I would love to go. Right now diary says ok but have to check nearer the time. :)love to meet people whose blogs I read.

  4. is your grammatically wrong title intentional?

  5. leosatter: hmmm would love to help you but i don't know of any! i hardly get foodstuff from online...

    keropok man: hahaha...

    singairishgirl: it'll be great if you came :) would love to meet you! let's hope you can make it!

    anon: haha yes am very aware of that and yes, every alphabet is intentional. :)

  6. Hi Cheryl, unable to attend the F-logging session so do remember to share your photos in your next post! =)

  7. Hey Cheryl, saw you talk at the festival. Visited your blog just now. Very nice. Will be visiting your blog regularly!

  8. so so sorry. My girl had a birthday party at 12pm which was postponed to later because of road closures around the stadium area so I couldn't go. Sob sob. There's always another time. Pity to have missed meeting you too. By the way, how was the turnout? Bet is was great.
