Afternoon, world!
Some of you reading this might be checking out this food blog o' mine for the first time. If you're one of them, here's a warm welcome and a cuppa hot chocolate and warm scone for you. It's virtual though, so I don't think you can taste it. Just imagine for now, ya? :0)
Yes, you read what I said in The Sunday Times interview - from that Cedele Depot blueberry almond slice I could eat for the rest of my life, to my last meal (Dad's ayam buah keluak, durians, warm scones, a kickass tiramisu and a cuppa hot chocolate!) and my ambition to be the Nigella Lawson or Jamie Oliver of Singapore.
You can say I have big dreams! Indeed, there are plenty of castles in the clouds for me right now.
But first up, let me just thank all of you beloved readers - past and present. Thank you for all your support since this lil' blog started in 2005. For those who've been buying my baked goods, thank you for trusting me! hahaa....
And while I'm at it, I might as well plug my July Bake Sale. I'm consolidating all orders and you can collect them in July.
Everything will be revealed later tonight in another post! Still finalising details :)
Stay tuned ya'll!
I'm waiting for yr list! =)
i enjoyed reading your interview. hello!
Your muffins look so delicious! Congrats on your Sunday Times Article.
hi! i read your article on the Sunday Times (: Fantastic, to have found someone else who dreams of entering Le Cordon Bleu too (: i'm hoping to enrol after Uni. keep baking/cooking!
i am also one of those that visited your blog after reading the Sunday Times. And I must say, your photos look really nice. As good as the photos I took....hahahhaha. Jokes aside...did you take the photos yourself?
Keep up the good work I will wait for new posts while I take my time to go thru all your old posts
My daughter is in Pr 5 and has just left a message on your blog, we're so impressed with your baking talent. Would love to order the nutella cupcakes, Do let us know when we can. Wonder if your father can sell us some of his ayan buah keluak! Love that stuff! ha!ha!
Hey. I am one who frequent your blog regularly. Haha. Enjoy reading your posts. Realised you just revamped your site. Nice! Thumbs up! Your header pic looks so yummilicous...
And now you are in ur hols, blog more ya? Keep those entries coming in! =P
Hey.. I really like the recipes that you post! Gonna try my hands on some of them but i saw that most of the measurements of the ingredients are in cups. May i know if there is a specific size of the cup used to measure? Or can i just get them from phoon huat?
Your new banner looks slurpalicious! : )
I'm in Melbourne now, will have to give your baking sale a miss this time round. Will order if you do have one at the end of the year!
*Congrats on your Sunday Times article too.
From one Catholic to another, props for being so open about the faith in the interview!
A One-Winged Angel
P.S. Are you in CSS?
Yes, read your article. It's a nice blog you got compared to myself.
A purveyor of Darkness, no i'm not here to collect your soul. But i'm here to offer that 'kick ass' tiramisu that you said you would want as a part of your last meal.
I'm not selling it yet, but am currently toying with that idea, and what a better way than to get feedback from someone who appreciates sweets.
Email/msn me: sinisteral@hotmail.com
Hello! Love your blog!! Thanks for the recipes, I love chefs who are more than happy to share recipes with the rest of us mere mortals. Would you be so kind as to share your nutella cup cake recipe?
Thanks all, for your support and lovely comments!
Just a quick reply to those who asked me some questions.
There's a link to a very useful measurement equivalent website to the left of my blog. Also, you can find my nutella cupcake recipe if you use the search engine provided by blogger at the top of my blog :)
Two years on and wonderful people like you still read my blog! I'm thankful and promise to continue to entertain you all and erm, make you drool of course :p
oh hey one-winged angel. realised i forgot to reply you. nope, not in CSS, but in Amplify Ministry (www.amplifyministries.blogspot.com) :)
hi,i read your article in the sunday times.enjoyed reading it.i love cooking too,and i am a fan of nigella lawson.i watch her showevery week;nigella feats,nigella bites &foreversummer sometimes everyday!
Congratulations on your article and the all exciting things that are happening! :)
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