Thursday, June 07, 2007

Ohsho Japanese Eatery

During the holidays, I face the same questions from everyone I meet.

It's always, "So, what are you gonna do during the hols?"

Like hmmmm...

That's really not a difficult question but somehow, I find it hard to answer. Because I have so many things to do during holidays. I should be free but I shomehow manage to occupy my time so much so that I end up sleeping at weird hours. But that's acceptable because I'm not required to wake up at a specific time I guess!

So, now that I have time to think properly, what would my answer be?

First thing that comes to mind:


Try out new eateries, savour their food, blog about it and savour it somemore, and find new ones to tickle my tastebuds etc.

It's that simple really.

Trust me on this, it's a plan I have and a plan I intend to keep.

Dot and I recently visited Ohsho at Cuppage. I've only eaten their gyozas when I was temping at Starhub Centre near by.

So that night when we decided to dine at Ohsho, we ordered quite a bit of food, including the not so japanese looking 'funky karaage' (that's what they called it!)

It's actually just fried chicken karaage and fries. But the fries remind me so much of Primary school where they sold these thick cut fries in small bags, doused a deep red in tomato or chilli sauce. Those of you who went to CHIJ Katong Primary would know what I'm referring to :)

Then there's the gyozas...

It's eaten with this vinegar cm chilli sauce that brings the tasty levels up three notches. Yum yum...

They're pan-fried by the way and they are so delicious! The skin of the right thickness and there's this crisp crackle when you bite into it because of that slightly charred skin. Super.

Ahhh I love this. Both of us really couldn't decide what mains to have so we looked around and saw this man on our left eating this eggy looking dome shaped thing that looked like it had rice swimming in a bowl of thick starchy soup. It's called tenshinhan apparently.

Really think it looks cute. Reminds me of mui fan (rice with gravy), japanese style. It was yummy and fun to eat.

Though I think the ramen at Ohsho is quite famous, there wasn't any chance of us forcing it into our already stuffed stomaches so we stopped here.

But we'll be back in due time, to try their ramen! That's for sure :)


Ohsho Singapore
#01-10 Cuppage Plaza
5 Koek Road
Tel: 6735 7068

Open: Mon-Sun, 11.30am-2am, 12pm-12am


  1. really like how the skin of the gyoza's are so different from the mainstream ones where it's all thick and starchy!

    and just wanna drop a note to say that i did enjoy the mini lecture two fridays ago in NP!

  2. I loved their ramen and chashu some years ago, but when I revisited it some months ago the quality has totally changed (for the worse). The chashu is now entirely fats and the noodles aren't how I used to remember them. Really a pity...

  3. There's a new branch opening soon at 38 Circular Road (near Raffles Place MRT). It is definitely gonna whet your lunch appetite!
