Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cocoa & Butterscotch

Surprise surprise!!!

Today I officially launch what Dot and I have been working on for the past month -

Cocoa & Butterscotch - our quirky idea of an online bakery.

Well it's going to be more than a bakery. We will cater to events as well (think weddings, birthdays etc) but more on that later.

Right now, I'm here to announce our first ever bake sale!

*Click to enlarge or visit our site.

We're pretty excited about this new venture. But due to our current work/school situation, we might not be able to cater to every single request so please do understand.

Do feel free to email us for quotations or if you have any questions. Dot is a freelance graphic designer, and I, a freelance writer and together, we hope to be able to lend our services to those looking to customise an event and give it personality.

Now here's a quick question - you've seen the two girls in our logo.

Which one's me and which one's Dot? Oh, they really are named Cocoa and Butterscotch by the way.

Again, refer to our site for more information and details, or check out our even more detailed poster here.

Oh, and thanks so much to ALL of you who dropped me emails, sms-es and comments! I will reply them all asap.

You're all so sweet :) Love ya'll!
*NOTE* - The bake sale ends 20 June 2007, so any orders placed after that will not be entertained! (this is due to overwhelming response, so bear with me... )


  1. Hi Cheryl,

    Would like to know where is the collection place if iam interested in ordering?


  2. Hi there, another fd blogger whom has been following ur blog for months! Gd work, keep it up and you're on national newspaper! ^^

  3. good luck, dear. i wish i'm in s'pore in july to buy ur goodies.

  4. Wow.... Congrats on your new "shop" opening

  5. That is great news! Wishing you and your partner lots of success!

  6. Congratulations on the 'grand opening'! Wish I was in Singapore, I would wanna try ur bakings so badly.

    Anyway, will be ur loyal reader and who knows in the future I'll be ur regular customer too ;)

  7. The muffins looked great!!!! Good luck on your online bake sale!! Would have ordered it if I were in Singapore!

  8. Hi, I am thinking of holding a tea party.

    Just to check if your online bakery has the same endorsements by the authorities for food related businesses.


  9. Hi there...I love ur blog!..Lots of yummylicious food...Keep up the good work...Is there anyway i can order coming all the way from brunei?. *fingerscross*

