Friday, May 25, 2007

Donut Factory

It's not what you think.

No way would I queue 3 hours for a box of donuts from Donut Factory.

Why even blog about it then you ask? Well, though I'm not a fan of their donuts, I quite like the way they decorate it. The donuts look so pretty:

Nah, the donuts aren't bad or anything. The only problem I have with them is simply this: They don't taste like donuts! I guess it's a healthier alternative to those artery clogging treats. If I were to describe these donuts, I'd say they taste more like white fluffy bread slathered with icing and flavours. Having a texture similar to white bread isn't really what a donut is all about is it?

I guess these donuts are a refreshing entrance to the current lagging donut scene. But seriously, I'd prefer Krispy Creme anytime. :)

Oh well, but to each his own yea? Sorry, if you're a fan of their donuts. If it's any consolation, I really do think their donuts are photogenic:

So photogenic that I couldn't stop snapping shots of them from various angles:

If I could pick a favourite, I'd choose the double chocolate one. You see the white coated whole donut with brown squiggles? Yea, that's the one. hehe....

Who in the world queued up for the donuts then?

Trust me, I was equally surprised.

My brother.

He did it for a girl :D

That charmer. But kudos to his patience. At least he was thoughtful enough to get his family a box (after much cajoling on my part ..hahaha)

Final verdict? Pleasant, but not traditional donut fare. Too light and airy for my liking but it's really a less sinful version. But you won't catch me dead in that never-ending queue.


Donut Factory
B1-61 Raffles City
252 North Bridge Road
Tel: 6337-6268


  1. Finally i can put an image to these doughnuts i've been hearing so much about. We had a family friend come stay with us in Melbourne recently and naturally, Krispy Kreme, which is all the rage here, came up in an conversation. So i was saying how i'm not a fan of doughnuts especially not KK's coz it's waaay too sweet, and she shared the same sentiment and was going on about these doughnuts in Singapore. They really are such a pleasure to look at though.

    Haha your brother's reason for braving the queue reminds me of a funny story. When KK first came to Melb, their first outlet was an hour away by train from the city and the queue, neverending. My sister's friend actually travelled all the way there and back to get a box of them for a girl.

    The things guys will do for a girl..

  2. I live in Melbourne, and KK is on my route to work. On its opening day, I was on the tram going for my 6am shift and I saw a long line of people CAMPING OUT in sleeping bags in front of the store. How insane is that! *flashback to Mc'D's Hello Kitty dramas*

    But yes, KK doughnuts are far too sweet for my liking. I prefer the original ones. As for the bready and cakey textures. I think doughnuts are generally bready in texture and they're usually deep-fried (it's gross when you watch KK do it. They're mass-fried, they float up on oil on a conveyor belt and pass under a waterfall of icing). Cakey ones are far too 'heavy'.

    Don't really understand the hoopla about KK. Pretty overrated if you ask me! :)

  3. IMO Krispy Kreme's pretty good : ) but I only like the traditional glazed ones when they're piping hot. Melts in the mouth, slurp. But I agree, too sweet.

    Good thing it's not cheap and Melbourne Central/South Cross's too far for me to walk there heh heh.

  4. why have donut factory when you can now order online from dunkin donuts. actually from batam taste nicer since we cant get KK here. shucks.

  5. ..The donuts are nice i recommend it.. bad I have a bad experience from staff crew in Raffles, I'm waited for a hour or two.. my other two donuts is being prepared and it maybe takes five minutes or ten.. however I really in a hurry and asking to change my staff said I cannot since I already paid and it will ruin their orders... so i wait for awhile and the other staff asked the customer before me that if she want to change her donuts since the next flavor will be baked for another 15 minutes... hey what will be the procedure then... why the other staff can ask for a change of order while the other can't.. hope Donut Factory will look on to this matter.. you might loosen your costumer even you have good quality of foods...
