Friday, March 23, 2007

Cafe Iguana

When you're a busy busy student, you sometimes get rather deprived.

I'm referring to deprivation of good solid food. When you're in a rush, there's simply no time to sit down for a proper meal. This has been the case for me for the past weeks at SMU. Maybe it's the timetable. I find myself running from Point A to Point B, grabbing a sandwich to go or Subway in between lectures.

*Yawn* How boring can it be? So I try as much as possible to have at least a good meal each week with friends and family to make up for it. And when I say make up for it, I do mean business. So my dinners tend to be heavy ones because I'll be so famished by the time classes end in the evening that I always feel as though I could eat an entire cow.

Soooo... last week, I met up with Grace, Winston & JF for a great Mexican dinner. This is the beginning of what I'll call 'Iguana Mania'. Winston has eaten there before. I've only walked past this place many times - I know that it's beside Brewerkz. To be honest, I didn't even though it sold Mexican food. Talk about being ignorant! :p

However, I'm glad I went there for dinner and we all had so much fun! JF had to leave early though - what a waste. Grace, Winston & I had such a blast I tell ya! Love them both to bits - they're really fun people to makan with. We're planning to do this on a regular basis. I should give it a name - the Perpetually Hungry Trio. How about that? haha... Dear Grace would agree with me, I know.. Right Grace?

All right, time to let the photos do the talking. You've seen the nachos above ya? They're really crispy and I love the salsa. The guacamole could be creamier though. But over all, it was nice to have a snack to keep our tummies from rumbling too much. We were really hungry!

Fickle me took a long time deciding what to get. In the end, I heeded the advice of the waiter and ordered the Green Chile Stew (SG$12.99) from the 'Platas' (dishes served with barracho beans and lime-scented cilantro rice) category. The famous carne de pueroco en chile verde (stewed pork) was served with house-made flour tortillas, sour cream and rice.

I liked the stew but wish they had given me more. Heh there were more beans than stew I think! But it was delicious. Love the cilantro rice. Well I'm a huge fan of cilantro anyway.

Winston had the Camarones al Diablo (prawns sauteed with fiery habanero chile, capsicum, ginger, cumin and lime, served with cheese quesadillas - SG$14.99). He let us try some and boy were the prawns fresh. Love the marinate. It has a slightly sweet and tangy aftertaste. Wonderful.

JF ordered the Flank Steak (SG$18.99) from the 'Fajitas' (sizzling platter served with flour tortillas, sauteed onions and peppers, sour cream and guacamole) category. It was rather fun to make - kinda D-I-Y tortilla wrapping session. But I think he left the meat on the hot plate too long so it ended up being a bit dry.

Grace on the other hand, had the winning dish:

She had the New York Steak (SG$21.99) from the 'Tequila Grill' (Lime marinated meat finished with a smoky and spicy tequila glaze served with grilled vegetables and poblano-scalloped potatoes) category.

THIS was the bomb! It was doubly juicy and really tasty! Oh the wonders Tequila does to a steak. I'm convinced that it works. Am definitely going to order this the next time we visit Cafe Iguana.

Dear Wins then treated us to a Strawberry Macho Magarita (SG$14.99). Am not much of a drinker so it was Grace's and Wins' responsibility to finish it up. ha!

That night was fantastic. There's nothing better than a night out with great food, excellent company and even better conversations. We bonded and laughed and even went to Starbucks for dessert! Greedy greedy us. Well that's why I say we should be named "Perpetually Hungry Trio".

I'm in love with the Iguana. I even brought home the coaster. Haha... well like they say... food is best remembered when shared with great friends.

Cafe Iguana
30 Merchant Road
#01-03 Riverside Point
Tel: 6236-1275


  1. Hey babes,

    If you like Mexican you should totally come to the States man. There's good Mexican food everywhere and some of them are really cheap! The cafes are fun to chillax in so it's a really popular hangout for the students. I'm pretty sick of Mexican actually..but I bet I'll crave for good burritos once I'm deprived of them! Haha :P

  2. Wow..sounds like a great night out for you iguana huh? okie..will make it one of my must try places then ! : ) Keep up the good recommendations dear .

  3. What a nice pleasure to see you at SMU. Perpetually hungry trio sounds fascinating. Glad to see you having a good time of feast to chill out esp at riverside point..Cheers!
    Cya soon ;)

  4. Lina: hey babes! wah can you like freeze some for me and bring back :p yea I'm dying for real good and cheap mexican food. Chili con carne and all. Mmm... it sounds really yummy babe! you better eat your fill of burritos because it won't be that common here. Can't wait for you to come back! i HAVE to hear about all your yummy endeavours. Take care you!

    xiaowei68: yes, go try :) hope you'd like it as much as I did! good food is always therapeutic..

    lavender cupcaker: hey girl, yea it was pleasant surprise! what a coincidence. haha yea i know I must go back there to try the Indo food around that stretch. take care & keep in touch!

  5. Yes, i shouldn't be posting this comment under this post but this is the only way I'll be assured that you are reading my comment.

    I HATE YOU!!!!

    Oh God, I hate you for so many reasons!!!

    1) Made me spend so many hours reading, no, glimpsing through your blog in the middle of the night. (Cause you have sooooooo many posts, non of which should be skipped, will read every single one of your posts when I'm free.)

    2) Made me super hungry with all the nice pictures of the yummy food. (salivating, swallowing lots of saliva, tummy growling... *rumbles again, gulp....*)

    3) Made me wish I had an oven to bake those nice cookies and muffins. (So that I can try those yummy recipes..)

    4) Made me feel like running out to buy an oven at 5.00am in the morning. ( I wanna try the nutella muffin!!!!)

    5) Made me want to get an oven 1st thing when I wake up groggy from lack of sleep due to your UBER interesting food-blog. (Nuff said!)


    I HATE YOU~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!

    PS: :p Keep up the good work. :)

  6. Really great blog! The review was delicious and it makes me very envious that we don't have restaurants like that here in the UK!

  7. Was looking for a place to have dinner w 2 special people and bored of Holland V, so yay we're going there!
    [Actually wanted live music as well, but heck.]
