Christmas ended a week ago but that doesn't mean the Christmas spirit has faded into oblivion. Well at least for me it hasn't because I felt so loved when I received my gift pack from Nadnut yesterday.
Remember the Christmas Flog Exchange post on my blog last December? Organised by Sam of The Hinata Diaries and June of Nibble Scribble, this local flog (a colloqial term for food blog, you know, combine food and blog and you get flog!) event attacted about 15 locals, most of whom own food blogs of their own.
This event is similar to your usual Christmas gift exchange except that you actually exchange wishes beforehand and try your best to match that request and possibly add in some of your own creativity.
Most of the wishes were rather original, with some requesting for something homebaked. I think it's kinda sweet you know, to taste something you know is unique of the individual, baked with love, and is almost priceless since you definitely can't find it sold out there at some commercial enterprise.
Anyway, my wish was for your favourite dark chocolate. I love dark chocolate and I simply wanted to try the dark chocolate that the person who granted my wish liked. Nadnut was the one who granted my wish and I must say she was really sweet to give me that gift pack you see above. I am seriously spoilt for choice. She gave me 6 different types of dark chocolate. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the box. There were so many different dark chocolate to choose from. It would take me quite a while to slowly finish them all. I intend to savour each one bit by bit.
The one I'm most excited about is the Meiji 99% dark chocolate because I've been wanting to get it. If I'm not wrong, I think I might have tried Lindt's 99% or 95% dark chocolate once. I can't remember clearly but it sure was an interesting experience. When I was much younger, I preferred sweeter chocolates, it was only when I was growing up then I got to like dark chocolate a whole lot more. Or it could also be probably because dark chocolate is easily available now than it was before? I don't know... but I sure see many more brands of noir chocolat in recent years.

This other one by Meiji sure looks interesting. Can't wait to try it. The Japanese have the cutest packaging I tell ya! Sometimes it entices you to buy the product even though you know you might not even want it in the first place.

And here's something that got me all excited too:

Classic Dark Tim Tam! I fell in love with Tim Tam a few years ago when I was doing a print journalism internship in Brisbane. I must have eaten a record number of Tim Tams when I was there. Oh Oh, I also mastered the Tim Tam Slam! It's awesome I tell you. First you bite the corners on both ends - just one each, do it diagonally. Then you take a hot drink (I recommend coffee, hot chocolate or Milo) and use the Tim Tam as if it's a straw - dip it slightly in the drink and suck hard so that the liquid melts the center and you are able to drink up the smooth dark chocolately fudgey delight + soft yummy chocolate biscuit. It's amazing I tell ya. Truly phenomenal. You won't realise it until you actually do the deed. It might not sound much but it's really an experience!
Nadnut also included Droste 75% pastilles (also another of my favourite!) and another Duc d'O 76% dark chocolate. I certainly look forward to having a good time munching on the many chocolatey delights! Thanks girl, it is really a great gift and boy am I a happy girl right now!
A friend of mine gave me some Duc d'O chocolates for my birthday when I was down in Brisbane last month. :D Where abouts in Brisbane were you?
Kara: Are Duc d'O chocolates from there? oh, I was in Brisbane a long time back. I think a few years ago. I was there for 2 months on a print journalism internship at UQ (University of Queensland). I love Australia... so beautiful. Managed to visit Gold Coast too. The pace there is more relaxed - very different from Singapore. Cool.. and the weather was awesome. ha. just like walking in aircon, and you hardly sweat. But I guess it depends which season it is. :)
I love loove the Droste pastilles ones, too bad now they only sell the big boxes, I remember that in the supermarket that sold them, they were so cheap, like .60 cents the small box, sigh... would you send a bite to the other side of the ocean???
hi there, just a lurker @ your blog who love to read your entries. im an avid fan of dark chocolates, however, it was only recently that there was an influx of dark chocs in the market. Used to buy Godiva's 85% dark choc, but its way too expensive until I chanced upon Chocolat Poulain (one of France oldest chocolate brands) in HK's CitySuper (if there's a chance that you are travelling there or any friends, make sure they get these for you!). For SGD$10 a bar (100g), it will definitely curb your choc cravings! IMO, its way better than Godiva! Here's pic of it which I grab off someone's blog:
Hi there!
OOOhhhh....I just love the MEIJI Bega. Meiji makes great chocolates that are affordable. Check out Meidi-Ya at Liang COurt for a wonderful range.
Have fun at AMPLIFY. Wondering how many of the old timers are still there from YPM days!
i'm glad you like it! :)
chocolate is great..thanks for sharing!
I'm a die-hard fan of darks...the higher the cacao, the better.
I love Tim Tam too! The classic and the darks are good! But it's expensive in SG. I remember when I was in Aus, I went to the supermarket and bought many packs back home. I know SG can get but not cheap.
The way you described the Tim Tam Slam is so funny! LOL! I can literally see and hear you drink up the smooth dark chocolately fudgey delight and munching on the soft yummy chocolate biscuit.
are all these chocolates bought in singapore? nice blog...i am drooling whenever u hv food pictures....
take care
nadnut: haha, thanks once again! :)
cindy: of cos of cos... chocolate rocks!
tigerfish: yay! a fellow kindred spirit. dark choc is the best, no? yea yea! Time Tams here are more expensive. Also you got to check where it's made in. Some places sell the ones that's made in Indonesia - hmm those taste different from the Aussie ones.. that's why they sell it cheaper.
simcooks: Hahahaha... yes! it's really THAT good!!! :) what to do.. I'm a huge Chocolate fan!
joan: hmmm I think so. you gotta ask nadnut. I didn't buy these myself. haha I'm glad you like the food pics :)
joan> yeap. all the chocs are bought in singapore. :)
Hello! I heard that the Meiji 99% tastes like charcoal. The 76% one was definitely bitter enough. Im a huge huge fan of dark chocolate. I refuse all others. =)
oh! i have a meiji 99% and 86% sitting in my fridge. have yet to try it. but i loved the 76%.
and dark chocolate > all other chocolate!
So hard to find dark choco lovers in Singapore, glad to meet u guys. Can anyone adviced me where to buy the meiji 99%? Used to bought it at Watson's but now can't find it anymore...
you can get the 99% chocolate at medi-ya, liang court.
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