Friday, December 29, 2006

The Soup Spoon

Soups are honestly a rarity in my home. I can't remember when was the last time I made soup.

I do, however, enjoy soups alot. Especially tomato-based ones like the one in the photo above. That's beef goulash by the way. JF and I went to The Soup Spoon for dinner on our anniversary since it was raining cats and dogs the entire day and we couldn't go picnicking. I suggested The Soup Spoon because I've heard loads about it and I have friends who go there pretty often and swears by it. Besides, it was a cold cold day! And I knew I could really do alot better with some warm comforting soup.

The beef goulash was wonderful but JF preferred the Velvety Mushroom Stroganoff:

Geez, this mushroom soup has got to be the best I've ever tasted. Chockful of mushrooms and velvety to the core, this soup slides down your throat like honey - thick and creamy. Man, I like my beef goulash but I think the next time I head down to The Soup Spoon, I could do with a whole bowl of that mushroom soup myself. Mmmm... heaven.

Garlic Foccacia is another treat I enjoyed at The Soup Spoon, though this one was a bit too over-toasted:

Garlic ranks high in my list of favourite aromatics and this way of serving it is excellent. The sauce was lovely as well though a bit too sweet.

JF was craving for calamari so we had the Fisherman's Basket:

It's just fish, calamari, prawns, and crabmeat. It wasn't that fantastic (I've tasted better) but I think it satisfied his craving. :)

Overall, I think The Soup Spoon deserves credit for making the humble soup look like main course. I like this place alot and I'll be back soon. So tempted to try the bread bowl soup!


The Soup Spoon
Raffles City Shopping Centre
Basement 1, Unit 75
Open Sun - Thurs: 10.30am to 10.00pm, Fri-Sat: 10.30am to 10.30pm
Tel: 6334-3220


  1. Happy anniversary gal! hope the days ahead are glowing brighter for u 2.

    Hmm.. my friend used to work there. And yes, the soup are superly tasty and filling. Nice! :)

  2. Hi there. I think you should check out Cedele if you like soup. And there's always their tempting array of baked goodies, cakes and breads (all minus trans fat). So there you go, yummy yet less sinful food.

  3. i like the pumpkin soup - very creamy and slightly sweet. you should try their naan too; it's not too bad and you can pay a little bit to relace your bread roll. :-)

  4. i love the soup spoon too! adore the beef goulash and minestrone! haha i'm a tomato-girl. you can get the vacuum-packed ones and just reheat at home too. it's the perfect on-the-go snack.

    and i agree with the hungry cow about cedele. i love their sandwiches and choc truffle cake.

  5. Yummy, I'm hungry now !
    I wish you a happy new year ;)
