Freedom is mine, at last. At least for now, before the next semester comes.
The past two weeks has been tiring. My friends and family haven't been seeing much of me. I've been a good student, studying and slogging really hard. I feel as though my brain is drained.
Well the good news is, it's OVER! My exams have ended and I'm truly relieved. It's been nothing short of a roller coaster ride. Never have I been so stressed out over exams. This time, it was a whopping 5 papers all crammed up in 4 consecutive days. I had two papers today and trust me, it's an experience I would never want to relive.
Enough about exams. I want to talk about happy stuff. Stuff like my dream machine! I know this might sound super bimbotic but I really go weak in the knees when I see this:

Other girls go 'Oooo' and 'Ahhh..' over handbags, shoes and accessories but you want to know a secret? It takes more than soles, leather straps and gem stones to get me all worked up.
I highly suspect that God made me different.
Some of you already know that I'm a supermarket addict. Well, here's another revelation - I love baking/cooking equipment. Not only am I attracted by sleek shiny steel odds and ends, I'm very much seduced by machines that work like a dream. That includes that purple wonder over there.
People have asked me which room in my future house I'd spend the most money and time on. Usually the answer is out even before I can open my mouth. All I have to do is to widen my eyes, purse my lips and my friend would know the answer. I mean, come on, the title of my blog says it all. Yes I bake and I cook and I enjoy it very much. It's who I am and what I'm most passionate about. So of course I would not scrimp on my kitchen!
Trust me, when I have my own kitchen, I'll make sure it's furnished with only the best and well stocked with ingredients that will come in handy whenever I have the urge to bake or cook - even if it's at 2am in the morning!
And the one thing I MUST have - my dream machine.
A KitchenAid. A purple one! Well the colour doesn't matter, as long as it's a KitchenAid. I saw these KitchenAids at Vivocity's Tangs and they cost $614! Too bad I'm still a poor lowly student. Wait till I get my first paycheck when I get a real full time job after I graduate! haha. I really am biased toward KitchenAid mostly because Jamie Oliver uses one and most professional chefs use it and my aunt uses hers to make the most beautiful breads and fluffy chiffon cakes. Seriously, I dream of the day I can get my hands on one I can call my own. Oh, I can imagine caressing the hard cold metal and the planetary motion of the whisk whizzing and churning, creaming my butter and mixing my cookie dough. Man, oh man, I think I'm getting too carried away!
Heh, okay, enough nonsense (i think all the studying has done something to my brain), I will stop here for now. I am going to rest well - I need it, as well as mental preparation for the hard long run on Sunday morning. Ahhh I look forward to crossing the finishing line. That part makes it all worth it.
cheryl, you're definitely NOT alone! i love supermarket trips and kitchen equipment too! when i go to IKEA, i'll stay at the kitchenware section for hours. im eyeing for a kitchenAid too actually. my favorite is either white or red. if only the stores allow interest free instalment hehe. mayer has a limited chrome edition, its $900+ anyway i thought a serious baker like u already have a kitchenAid =)
Ahhh KitchenAid I love them ever since I was on High School and I got bakery classes, I would buy one if only they weren't that expensive, my sister have one but tha's a smaller model and she got it from her aunt, lucky her!!
Don't hate me for it, but I'm one lucky girl. My hubby just got me a KitchenAid mixer for Christmas. We got it at a warehouse sale, so it's cheaper than outside, but still expensive. But, just like you, I've been eyeing it forever! I mean, you can't look professional without one, right? hehe The sad thing is, I still haven't used the machine... I'm planning to tonight though... for a cheesecake!
Hi I can understand how u feel. Have just taken up baking lessons too and now I am thinking of hanging out at Phoon Huat on Saturday afternoons. Am still at beginners stage, trying and learning through mistakes...mixers are expensive so I am taking my time to think about getting one.. : ) Three Cheers to baking !
i totally understand how u feel. we should have a kitchen addict anonymous or something. =]
i go ooh ah over bags and shoes, but i go OMG WOWWW over these mixers, i totally fell in love when i saw a fuschia one. love at first sight. i'm currently in the midst of pursuing it. whahahahah. good that you finish your exams already, i still have 2 more papers. yeah i'm in nus also hahaha, surprise! love your blog..
Hi hi,
OT but since you were at Vivo, you didn't check out The Chocolate Factory? I thought you would! They even have chocolate jam. You absolutely must check it out, if you haven't.
Now that I've ran the half marathon, man, you have my total respect man!
Kitchen Aid appliances are my passion, I have Cobalt blue everything, and you know they are worth every penny! I still praise my Mr. for buying them for me and it's been a few years.
Funny I've never seen that many colors in one place...The purple is pretty too.
hi! came by your website while looking for recipes and been checking in weekly, hoping desperately for a bake sale! are you thinking of doing one for xmas perhaps?
the sight of the nutella cupcakes been driving me crazy! so are the CHEWY chocolate chips! (i've tried tonnes of recipes and none are chewy like mrs fields usa.)
my cooking is quite quite bad. hehe.
oops. i don't have a blog but my msn is twytang@hotmail.com ( in case you ARE doing a bake sale or perhaps share a baking tip or 2)!
i came into a bit of money n decided to treat myself to a KitchenAid. Had a hard time deciding whether to get the KitchenAid or Kenwood.Like some people say that Kenwood has more power,blah ,blah ,blah. Finally crave in to KitchenAid.Cause i know if i don't,it will always be a what if moment for me.But that wasn/t the end. When i got to the Mayer showroom at Plaza Singapura, i almost got into hysterics trying to choose a colour.Hey, is a lifetime commitment. Asked my husband and even the saleswoman,going around and around the shop. Finally,i bought a PINK KitchenAid. Rationale: So that i can pass it over to my daughter some day(she's 4).Or is it because of some lame grasp for my slowly slipping youth. Go figure.Anyway, hope u have as much fun (?) as i did when u finally get yours.
so sorry... i'm here to bug you again. i tried out the chocolate chip cookies and within 3 hours, they turned hard :(
please.. any idea what i'm doing wrong? i am so so so eager to chomp down some lovely chewy cookies...
evan: Ooo yes, I totally love Ikea. And it's good since they've just opened their Tampines outlet (am an eastie!). yea the chrome KitchenAid looks totally elegant. Yea I also think I should have a KitchenAid, but too bad I don't have the cash right now! Usually go my aunt's place to use hers :) .. for now!
GorditaSabrosa: wow your sister's lucky! haha. yea, they're expensive but totally worth the price i think.
Monique: YES you are a lucky lady! Your hubby's so sweet. haha. don't worry, once you start using it, you can't stop. Am sure your cheesecake was absolutely delish!
Fangmin: thanks dear :) haha not sure if i have time to sell my bakes this dec. I'll def. let you know if and when i do!
Michelle: Oh yes, phoon huat rocks too. Yea, do get a KitchenAid if you can - it really helps with the baking!
marie: hahaa that's a great idea! maybe we should. :p
michelle: Fushchia? wow it must look totally stylish. that's what i love about these mixers I tell ya! good luck for the rest of your papers! ace them :)
Karen: The Chocolat Factory? haha you bet i did! but gosh everything's so expensive. but the smell's heavenly! the jam's nice is it? i saw it.. chocolate and pear too i think!
Yummie Dummies: hahaa. man, my legs and feet hurt like mad. congrats to you on completing the half marathon! join the full one next year la...
Sweetilicious: Cobalt blue sounds lovely. So how many KitchenAid appliances do you have? Man, I wish they have more of their stuff here. Yep, I like the purple one cos purple's my fav colour!
snowstar: heya, yep, I'll def. notify you and all of you lovely readers if and when I have a bakesale. :)
oh and about the cookies... hmmm did you bake them too long? and did you use cornflour too? you're talking about the chunky choc cookies ya?
linq1: Way to go! Good choice. KitchenAid's the best. Don't bother trying anything else. Anyway pink is a really cool and cute choice! yea, i'm sure your daughter would love taking over your sweet pink kitchenaid :)
Haha! Must seriously consider man ... I run until 14km pong chek already legs damn pain!
Yes, yes, the Chocolat Factory. I bought the Chocolate Chestnut. Hmm, the chestnut is strong enough to be tasted. Niiice!
But overall, I love the packaging more than the products.
wow so many colours and so cheap!!! yeah cheap compared to the price we get here in KL. wish you all the luck in acquiring one soon. i got mine 5 Christmases ago, a yellow one!
I have 4 now but would like to add a stove to the mix.
They have stopped making the coffee maker in Cobalt blue so I've bought another one in white
:( I'm sure it will work fine but it just doesn't match.
u should get one! I got the Pink one, and also Major Kenwood.
The other day at Best Denki, I saw a similar design to Kitchen Aid's mix..but its Kenwood brand. In Red. Its called Pattisier or smtg.
But nothing beats the original.. Kitchen Aid!!;)
Waow, the purple one, indubitably... Gosh I'm craving for it... Now who's sour to have a stupidly grey Major Kenwood in her kitchen?? Yep, it's me... ;-)
I've always wanted a RED KitchenAid Mixer although I don't bake! Wow and I did not know it's so expensive in SG. You can get one for US$300+ from Amazon.
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