Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Surprise Birthday Party


I've never organised a surprise birthday party. So what made me plan one?

Give a guess - I don't just plan surprise parties for anyone. It just had to be that special someone :)

Yes, it was JF's birthday on Friday and I wanted to do something for him. He's been pretty busy so I thought a surprise party might cheer him up and give him a chance to catch up with all our friends.

Cool, so I wanted to plan a party and surprise him. But where was I going to hold it? Thank God I already had a place in mind. It's a cafe I've long heard about, always intended to go but haven't had chance to. So I decided I had better make my way down to this happening place (they even have a blog!) before I miss out on all the fun.

Pitstop Cafe is the place and I think it's just perfect for birthday parties. That's because it's a boardgames cafe that serve food and drinks and ice cream too. And when I say board games, I do mean ALOT of boardgames. It's pretty interesting - they have imported board games and very interesting and fun games they buy when they're travelling overseas.

We played the common Taboo of course. And then went on to play Cranium (see above picture). It was incredibly fun! This boardgame aims to make you use most parts of your brain; thus the name Cranium (a section of the human brain). It's hard to explain but you'd understand what I mean if you play it yourself! :)

What's a birthday party without a cake ya? I baked JF a devil's food cake last year and decided to go with a brownie cake this time.

francis birthday cake
picture courtesty of sonic - my best friend lina's bf (he's really talented!)

It's no surprise that I chose chocolate again eh? Haha.... well he liked the cake and so did everyone else so that's good! It disappeared pretty fast:


The food at the cafe was not too bad, but it's nothing too fantastic. But I guess the focal point's the board games so I think it works out all right. I liked my black pepper chicken chop:


Though I thought the fries were a tad too salty but that's just me! Liked the cherry tomatoes, carrots & broccoli served on the side though; told ya I am a veggie lover :)

Jules had the cattle cut:


She said it was quite good. It does look good - especially the sauce. Yummy. Oh and the thing is, this place doesn't have service charge. And they have a special package for those who are playing games at the cafe. It's $12.90 for a main course, with soup & drink & 2 hours worth of board games. How cool is that?

We all had great great fun. Thanks Pitstop Cafe for making JF's birthday a happening one! Now I know why everyone keeps raving about the place. Here's us huddling up for a group shot:


These are the people I love dearly - and in case you're wondering, yes, that's JF beside me in black (bottom far right). All in all, the party was a success! Hurray :)


Pitstop Cafe
14B Circular Road
Tel: 6536-5383



  1. Just wonder if JF is ur bf or good friend or?

  2. hahaha... why? are you that curious? isn't it so obvious? :)

  3. Manz, I wished Ive a friend like you who can bake me a Birthday cake~ hehehe ... that cake looks damn delicious!! I think I need a choc fix again.

  4. when's your birthday?! let me know and i'll bake a cake for you :)

  5. Thanks for share with all us your special moments of life and thanks over all for that marvellous brownie-cake.
