This weekend has been so awesome. I volunteered to be a local host to two exchange students Amy & Krisanna who are from the States and it has been so much fun! These girls are from the University of North Carolina and they're here on a Southeast Asian Summer Exchange Programme. It's kinda like a cultural immersion programme. They'll be going to Malaysia, China and Thailand too. Anyway both of them stayed over at my place last night and in case you're wondering, yes I did bake them something - chocolate chunk cookies of course. It's cool that they're big on desserts and chocolates because they liked the cookies and they were enjoying my cookbooks and the droolsome pictures!
We were supposed to go blading at East Coast Park yesterday but it started pouring so heavily! But we were already around that area so I took them to Katong and Joo Chiat. These places are known for their quaint Peranakan styled shophouses and delicious Peranakan food etc, and so it was perfect. They really love our local food especially satay, popiah, chee cheong fun, goreng pisang & min jiang kueh. We explored the whole area and walked so much! Even I discovered places I never knew existed - like the peranakan museum of sorts, on top of a peranakan restaurant.
Though it was only 2 days, they've been such great company! One thing that gets them very excited is Mr Bean. Yep, those soy milk outlets peppered throughout our island. The ones that sold the soy ice cream I wrote about the other time? They love the icy soy mocha drink! I tried it for the first time yesterday, got them to try it too and it's now their favourite. Haha, I also recommended my favourite papaya soy milk blend from Mr Bean and Amy really likes it. So people, you know what drink to get the next time you're thirsty and there's a Mr Bean near by! (Mr Bean's really everywhere now... we always found one whereever we went!)
Speaking of drinks, here's another unique one:

Double Vanilla Float from Killiney Kopitiam. I really like this alot beacause they serve the ice cream with iced milk tea instead of coffee. It's really refreshing! It's sold at the Marina Square outlet but I'm not sure if they have it elsewhere. It's quite cheap though, only $2.80.
Don't you think it's funny how you live in a certain area long enough but still keep finding new things that surprise you? I find that happening to me all the time and especially this weekend. I love to play tour guide and it has been a blast bringing Amy & Krisanna around Singapore. I so wanna do to UNC for the exchange programme now! I'll miss them when they go back home...,
hey girls, if you're reading this, I just want to say Thank You for the great company! I learnt alot about how things are where you're from and I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here. Keep in touch & bon appetit! :)
those drinks look delicious, especially the double vanilla float. Although I do love anything that has vanilla in it.
Hiya. I read about the soya bean ice cream from Mr Bean on your blog and was very curious about how it would taste like. I tried it the other day and I have to say that it is great. Creamy, flavoursome and I simply adore the rich soya bean taste. Delicious ice cream without the burden of the extra calories. Thanks for the recommendation! Keep them coming!
Yeh Mr Bean is indeed everywhere now. I havent relaly tried their stuff, but mom bought those pancakes and it was alright. The soya bean drink.. the market tau hwau shui is better I think~ becuz Im not a fan of vitasoy and packaged soy drinks.
Speaking of Peranakan Cuisine, I just bought a nonya cookbook which Ive yet to go and collect it. After my grand passed on last mth, I thought I shd learn how to cook some nonya dishes. I can cook ponteh though and onde onde.. and pulut tai tai.. oh yum!
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