Friday, December 30, 2005

Phuket's Yummy Eats - Part One

Tom Yum Soup in Phuket
This tom yum was really spicy and refreshing!

As promised, here are some tantalising photos of what I ate in Phuket. I was only there for 3 days and stayed at this quaint little inn which was just 10 minutes away from Patong Beach. Food was great, and so was the weather. I came back with a really nice tan! haha. anyway here's part one of Phuket's Yummy Eats... enjoy!

Pad Thai
Pad Thai - I loved how these noodles were really chewy

Delicious Pineapple Rice
Thai Pineapple rice! The best I've eaten yet...

Authentic thai green curry
Had to eat their green curry of course!

Sticky Rice with Mango
ahhhh for dessert, sticky rice with very ripe and sweet mangoes

Duck noodle soup
Got this from a street stall - noodle soup with duck. delicious

Papaya salad in Phuket
haha, this is papaya salad, remember my previous post?

pancake or prata

I have a funny story for this. I saw this street stall selling 'pancakes' and I thought that it would be some lovely thai version and ordered one - banana nutella to be exact.

Banana Nutella Pancake

and guess what it turned out to be? haha yea you can see. it's actually prata! with banana and ya nutella. gosh the guy slopped on lots of oil, butter and even wanted to put condensed milk and sugar! this was so sinful! but it tasted kinda good I gotta admit.

fish and chips in phuket
fish and chips. yea weird to be eating western there ya? but haha was craving for it

cottage pie

So there, you got a gist of what I consumed when I was in Phuket. I have many more photos, mostly of street stalls and what not. Will post them soon. Meanwhile, hope I've whet your appetite!


  1. u went to phuket too? unfortunately, i didn't get to eat much street stall had a kid with me... but we had some v yummy restaurant food! cheers!

  2. Hah, you are in phuket?! So envy! Wah, the food is glorious!!! Yummy yum yum!!! Glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself there :)

    Happy New Year to you and your family too! :) May 2006 be another wonderful and prosperous year too!

  3. Mmmh that looks ever so yummilicious!!! You are a lucky one to have been on holiday in Phuket...
    I wish you a Happy New Year and all the very best for the year 2006!

  4. stargazer: I stayed at Thai Oriental Inn. It's pretty reasonable. Check out their site at

    let me know if you want pictures of the place. I took some while i was there. it's kinda cosy and rustic. not too bad.

  5. is it a nice place to stay? is it close to the beach? what sort of facilities do they offer at thai oriental inn? I tried their website but i couldn't get through maybe my connection low anyway please tel me above detials and map also I going to phuket next month
