Monday, December 26, 2005

How to make bread pudding...oh, and Merry Christmas!

how to make bread pudding

Been away in Klang visiting relatives during Christmas and well, I'm finally back! again. Before I forget, here's wishing all of you lovely readers a Merry Christmas! Sorry I didn't have a Christmas post. My Christmas this year was a rather low-key affair, and besides I wasn't in Singapore. I spent it in a quiet little town in Malaysia. You get my drift. But I did eat alot of yummy food though! But won't be able to post much pics of them cause my cam batt died on me. yep...

anyways, this post is about that bread pudding recipe i tried previously. Why? Cause I've perfected it. I always find that trying a recipe for the second time almost always provide for a better outcome. This was what happened for my bread pudding. My previous one was too soggy and didn't hold well together. I realised then, that I should have reduced my milk and egg mixture into half, since I wasn't using french loaves. So do take note, if you want to try this bread pudding recipe, please use normal bread or any fruit and nut loaf. It works wonders. As you can see:

a slice of bread pudding

it looks much better than my previous attempt. now i'm yearning for a piece of that!


  1. I am a big fan of B&B pudding and one glance at yours is enough to convince me it rocks! Will try out the recipe one day.
    By the way Merry Christmas!

  2. Oh, btw I hope you don't mind me adding your blog to my list of favourites. Thanks.
