Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Enotria - The Land of Wine

Enotria’s Entrance

Anyone who knows me personally or through my blog are well aware of my love for food. I really don't know when this 'obessession' started but I really do know that i'll definitely be in the food industry sooner or later. Right now, I'll just make do with being a food 'critic'. Yes, I actually write food reviews. Not just for this personal foodblog of mine, but also for a magazine.

Thing is, most people are envious when they come to know of this sideline job of mine. But I do think that it's really different - eating for personal pleasure vs eating for work. Imagine, you have to process your thoughts and really pay attention to how the food tastes, the ambience, service etc. It really isn't easy! haha but i still love my job. Well it's not my full time job. I'm an undergrad actually. Juggling work and school and all can be rather taxing but I love it. That's just who I am... I rather be kept busy with stuff to do all day long than to bum around doing nothing.

All right, anyway this post is about Enotria, an Italian restaurant I just reviewed. I usually try not to duplicate content and so I'm writing an entirely fresh 'review' of sorts about this place here. Savour the food images and do go down to personally try the food because it really rocks my socks! I'm not saying just because. (No! they certainly didn't pay me to say this!)

Enotria means The Land of Wine, and it's actually a Greek word. It's been around for almost a year and the current chef was from the well known Garibaldi restaurant, also specialising in Italian cuisine. So, back to the food, when me and my companion got there, we were very impressed by the decor and furnishing:

Enotria Interior

It certainly looked rather classy! Very banquet like. Lovely.

So we sat down at a corner and were served these delightful bruchettas:

Crispy Plain Bruschetta

these babies were crisp and light. it was served with a dab of olive oil and some herbs (thyme or oregano i think).

We placed our orders and the prawn salad came first:

Prawn Salad
Insalata di gamberi con avocado ecaviale - prawns salad with avocado and caviar

Wonderfully refreshing and light, this salad made me feel as if I was in the Maldives, eating while watching the waves, facing the cool breeze. Sounds weird but that's how I felt! Haha and the prawns were so juicy and sweet. Loved the avocado too, gave the salad a great creamy texture and of course the caviar was adorable. They used argula leaves too (my favourite!) and the dressing was done well... didn't taste too salty or sour.

”Al Funghi
Ai Funghi - champignon & porcini mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce

Our pizza came next. Can you believe we actually finished the entire thing? What pigs we were. Well, all in the name of journalism I say! Have to give comments on food, so have to really focus don't I? Anyway this wood fired pizza had the nicest thin crispy crust with just the right amount of mushrooms and cheese. You really can't stop at one slice. I can simply taste the pizza in my mouth as I type this right now!

Linguine al pesto alla genovese - linguine pasta with basil pesto sauce, long beans and potatoes

Oo-la-la! This pasta I like! Why so? because it was cooked al dente! Just perfect. Authentic Italian pastas should taste like this, and have that extra bite. I know most Singaporeans don't like it this way and usually complain that it isn't cook. But hey, it's meant to be eaten this way! I adored the pesto, which came through really well and of course the beans added that extra crunch and potatoes, well I love potatoes so any comments I give would be bias! haha... but seriously, the ingredients really complemented each other.

Ravioli stuffed with Ricotta Cheese
Ravioli di maro al pomodoro - stuffed pasta with ricotta cheese in tomato sauce

This has got to be my favourite pasta dish of the year! You have to try it for yourself. My my.... I know ricotta cheese is the best and I really like it, but whoa, the way this was cooked - geez unbelievable! One mouthful and I was hooked. The special tomato sauce also added to the omph factor. They didn't use ordinary canned tomato puree ya know... instead, they pureed real fresh tomatoes themselves and added celery, carrots etc to it... No wonder it was so fragrant! I like! Mmmm.... the cheese was a great blessing and made each bite so precious and delightful...

The best tiramisu I've ever eaten

Of course, I had to try their tiramisu. I mean, this is the most popular Italian dessert ever! Guess what? Enotria's tiramisu really took me by surprise. I didn't expect such a fantastic version of one of my most favourite dessert. Their tiramisu had just the right amound of cake, marscorpone cheese, liquer etc. Perfect combination. I've eaten tiramisu at various places but I think I've just found one that I really like. So do go try it. You won't regret... :)


China Square Central
3 Pickering Street


  1. Looks good! did the meal break the bank?

  2. OMG BABES!! You only told me about the Tiramisu and not the droolsome pasta and pizza! Italian's my fave! I really wanna go there. Is it expensive though? How much does the pasta and pizza cost? Yummy.. Hey I'll see ya Thursday then :) Take care and study hard!

  3. sounds good enough to warrant a visit - thanks for the recommendation :)

  4. why don't you also let us veggies know what restaurants offer a decent selection of vegetarian entrees? sometimes we read a good review, head to a restaurant and find that there isn;t much of a choice of vegetarian entrees! that really sucks, you know!
