Saturday, September 17, 2005

Chippy's British Take-away

Chippy's British Take Away

If you know me well enough, you should know how inclined I am towards all things British.

So you could figure out my excitement when I passed by this little eatery called 'Chippy' at Far East Plaza's Level One a few days ago. I noticed it from afar, because of the huge British flag pasted all over their shop.

Well, it turned out that it was indeed a lovely surprise when I looked at their menu. Two particular items caught my eye: and here's the first one:

Beer Battered Fish

That's Beer Battered Fish, all 12 pieces of it. No i didn't actually count them. The portion size was stated on their signboard. It costs only $4.45. Now, that's quite reasonable I think. Here's the Cheesy Curry Chicken ($3.45), which also came with a cheese dip:

Cheesy Curry Chicken Chunks

Pardon my poor photo quality. Didn't bring my Canon digicam so I had to make do with my Nokia.

I do think that the food served was really worth it. By the time I was done, I felt so stuffed. Thank God I was sharing the food with a friend. And it helped that I had kickboxing class after... so I didn't feel too guilty. haha...

But honestly, I do think that the quality of the food I had was pretty good. The fish was delightful and didn't have a fishy smell. They even had battered chips to go along. Brilliant. The chicken was spicy but the highlight was of course the cheese dip. Oh yes, you can ask for varying spiciness for the chicken. I didn't really taste any curry.. it was really more towards spices. I'll definitely go back there... I want to try their 15 cm cheese sausage with caramelised onions, oh and also, their fried mars bars. Sounds intriguing eh? Well you won't know till you taste it.

Just one downside though... there isn't much space to sit and eat. It was pretty weird sitting right in front of the shop, chomping down the food. Most people just order take away. Well yes, their shop is named Chippy's British Take-away after all. Man do I miss British food! London... wait for me... i'll be there really soon. I can only hope and pray...


  1. oohhhh, fried mars bars!!!!!!!

    wanted to try it when i was up in edinburgh but my friends 'no guts'.... in the end, i didnt try it too as i found out that i had spent all the money that i brought out.

    have u tried the fried peanut butter and banana sandwich?

    have been eyeing it in NL's cookbook, but am very afraid to try it out.....sooooo sinful

  2. hey cherub! ya.. when i first saw the 'fried mars bar' on the signboard, i was like o-kay.. haha i am curious as to how it would taste like. but i was too full to try, maybe next time.

    Oooo fried peanut butter and banana sandwich? no, i've never tried it. but it sure sounds delicious! haha yes sinful but i'm sure it would taste darn good. i love peanut butter! well all the good stuff are almost always the most sinful. but hey, we gotta live life to the fullest! at the most, just go for a run in the evening =p

  3. I work around the area and often go down to Far East Plaza, 5th level for lunch. I have not thought of trying Chippy's food. Now I do after reading your review :)

  4. ahhh,

    i read that elvis ate too many of the peanut butter n banana sandwich, so that so why maybe he died?

  5. hahaa really? but well, that does make some sense... seeing how much oil there is in peanut butter. but i love it anyway. i'm all for crunchy peanut butter. you?

  6. me? i think i eat almost anything n everything...

    is it skippers or planters or some other brand?

    i do remember my dad always feeding me peanut butter, maybe that is why i am fat

    but i am too lazy to cook now, even though i am trying to clear out my fridge

  7. yes! SKIPPY all the way! well the Peter Pan brand is nice too... peanuts rock. okay, anything that's edible is worth my attention. peanut butter jelly sandwich. yum. oh and skippy has one with chocolate mixed in it ya? delicious. but the ultimate has got to be nutella! i eat it by the spoonfuls...

  8. is there Peter Pan brand too?

    u know what? i've grown so old that i got to admit that i've never tried peanut butter jelly sandwich before... did pester my dad to buy one jar, which he never did.

    i will go n buy one from tesco tomorrow!!!!

  9. yes there is. it's totally delicious too! haha actually i've never tried peanut butter jelly sandwiches until a few years ago. oh you know what? i heard that peanut butter bread topped with mashmallows, toasted in the oven is yummy. but i have yet to try it. maybe you should!

  10. Heh - I just wrote a blog entry on the glories of Chippy's myself - their fish and their chicken is really quite a delight! Pity about the lack of seating.

  11. Fish and chips at Fish & Co. are much nicer, don't have an ammonia taste like its gone bad (which this place offers). Wasted my money because I couldn't eat the rest of it and threw it away. Yucks. Their curry chicken taste burnt and was tough too, chicken next door to them was nicer. I've tasted better calamari at other places, not all stringy and limp. The sausages are too oily and salty. In fact, almost all their food items are way too oily and salty. Mars bar not as good as you would think. Not impressive at all, just a novelty item. Really fattening and you wouldn't want to order it again because of the fat content. Environment wise the queue was way too messy and not worth the time. Music was too loud and the whole place smelled like deep fried food. Miserable sitting compared to some of the other places in the same area. Definitely not a place to visit again. Much more worth your money to go someplace else!

  12. i had the Beer battered fish yest!!!

    Wow! 4/5 for the price u pay.

    The batter is thin and has a crunchy texture, the fish is fluffy and yummy. tho u can taste tt muddy taste. bt its fine since ur paying 4+++

    i had mine at raffles shopping centre.

    bt the battered chips are just crinkle frie coated with the same batter. hardly touch them.

    eat while its piping hot or warm... otherwise it will taste like soggy fish. :)

  13. I dont really like fish & co. i went there once and the fish was all green and coverd with lemon juice... not my cup of tea i guess... But chippy is great! i go there all the time after school with my friends. The best on the menu for me is #1, its the cheese sausage with the mash potato. Its so good!!! the fried mars bars are also good but i feel that they dont give enough of the mars bar... they cut up one into 4 tiny pieces and batter them up to make them look bigger... but its very very sinful... i get one after a good long day of sports... today i had rugby =]
