Sunday, June 26, 2005

Muffins Galore!

into the oven

Are you seeing brown?

freshly baked choc muffins

can life get any better?

Chocolate muffin
bitten chocolate muffin with lots and lots of dark chocolate

yes it could. and with just one bite of this muffin.

It's no ordinary muffin. It's a chocolate muffin and I call it my chocoholic muffin.

Yes, if you have been reading my blog, you would have been in the loop about my latest muffin craze. The best thing is creating your own. It's really fun to experiment and find out what the end product would be like and whether it would taste totally scrumptious or seriously icky.

rows of muffins

so i was thrilled when I found the perfect basic muffin recipe on Epicurious. It's actually a Mix-in Muffin recipe that allows you to play around with any ingredients you might want to add. It suggests mixing banana with chocolate, or dried apricots with poppy seeds etc.

I took this opportunity to get creative and came up with this:

Carrot Raisin Muffin
carrot and raisin muffin with cinnamon and nutmeg

It does look healthy but mind you, it tastes good as well. I liked how the cinnamon and nutmeg came through. To make these, simply add grated carrot (about 1 carrot or 1/2 cup), dessicated coconut (1/2 cup), ground cinnamon and nutmeg (add however much you want) to the basic muffin recipe.

Actually there was also anothe reason for all these muffins!

There were more than 4 tubs of sourcream sitting in my refridgerator and I was trying to put them to good use. Why do I have so much sourcream you ask? Well, the youth ministry I'm in actually had a stall at this youth fun fair thing last week and we sold baked potatoes. And apparently they had bought too much sourcream. They had about 10 tubs of sourcream left and well seeing I could well make use of these creams in my baking, I took some home and viola, I had a very muffin-ed saturday morning yesterday.

I was to meet my two best friends Lina and Shiv for dinner in the evening and I brought some muffins along too. These girls loved the chocolate one so much that I regretted not bringing more for them. haha.. nevermind girls, you'll be having cupcakes next week ( i promised them chocolate cupcakes.. haha).

Anyway if you wanna make those chocolate muffins, simply add some cocoa powder to the basic muffin recipe and chopped dark chocolate. I didn't really note down the measurements, but hey, you can't go wrong with chocolate can you? The more, the merrier! But I did do something special and put a chunk in the middle of each of the muffin. That's makes it even more delicious because when you bite into it, the soft chocolate makes your heart flutter.

Just a sidenote: There are many types of muffins around but this muffin recipe gives you rather moist and light muffins (i think it's because of the sourcream).


  1. the bitter chocolate muffin looks so good!i am drooling!! :D~~

  2. fat fingers: it is seriously delicious. =) try it someday

    michie: ya, i love carrot cake with the cream cheese frosting. that's yum. my muffins look really mini huh? well that's because I haven't gotten a bigger muffin pan. this one's quite small. but you're right about the portions. if too big, very easily jelak..

  3. hey chin ru,

    ya! i saw your malteser muffins...they look good. i must try it out someday. and i love your irish soda bread. i like wheat bread very much and i believe i will like that. so i'm gonna try baking some soon... esp. since i have left over buttermilk from my devil's food cake
