It seems like it's suddenly kiwi season. Every supermarket I go, there'll be crates of those little furry fruits. They're suddenly more cheaper than usual and in abundance. So of course, I had to take advantage of that. My very close friend Lina has been hunting high and low for kiwi jam for the longest time. And I decided this would be a good time to put these kiwi to good use and surprise her.
Not too bad an attempt I'd say. My first time making jam. Bought some pectin powder the other day and well, seems like i've put it to good use. I hope to be able to make marmalade next... or strawberry jam. They make good gifts.
Here's the recipe if you want to taste some kiwi goodness:
Kiwi Jam
3 cup chopped kiwi
1 pkt powdered pectin (about 1 and 3/4 ounces)
1 cup unsweetened pineapple juice
4 cup sugar
Combine kiwi, pectin, and pineapple juice in large pot.
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add sugar, stirring until dissolved.
Return to a rolling boil. Boil 1 minute, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat. Ladle into hot jars, leaving 1/4 inch head space. Adjust lids.
Process 10 minutes in boiling water canner.
This recipe yields 8 jelly jars or 4 half-pints.
Taken from Food Down Under.
*Note* You might want to cut down on the sugar. I used only a little more than 2 cups and still found it too sweet. Depends on your preference i guess.
wow that's really cheap! yes i've tried the golden ones before. as sweet as honey! hmm kaya jam ah? i've never made kaya but my dad has.. maybe i'll go ask him? but i do remember it's quite tedious. ya nothing beats homemade kaya!
hey jennifer,
ya, i've never ever seen anywhere selling kiwi jam either. so it was rather interesting. my first time making jam too. i'm thinking of making a kiwi strawberry one next! =)
That really looks good Cheryl. Makes me wish I had some now. I used to go to my grandmother's for a visit when I was small and about this time of year she'd tell me to go and find some muscadine vine and pick some muscadines so she could make some jelly. Of course I would do it and later that day I have some great jelly for my toast.
I didn't even know there was such a thing as kiwi jam! I love kiwis!
Looks great - and sounds so unusual, too. Thanks for the tip about cutting down on the sugar!
hey countryboy,
muscadine jelly sounds good. but i don't think i've tried muscadine grapes before. doubt they have it here...
Hey lori,
ya, i didn't either. until i found this recipe. pretty awesome. now i have kiwi jam that cannot be bought in stores! haha.
heya nic,
it's pretty interesting all right, but i love how the black tiny seeds mixes with the whole jam. ya, i don't know why the recipe called for so much sugar. i halved it but my bro still said it was too sweet. i guess you can adapt it according to personal preference
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