Thursday, June 16, 2005

Going crazy over oats

My Oatie Muffins

It is official. I am going nuts over oats. Oops, I think I meant I'm going oatie crazy over these bits of natural goodness.

Yes, I couldn't help but bake something that had oats in it.

Actually, it was a mini-experiment.

I wanted to bake something with oats but not in the cookie form because I've already made those. I wanted something different, with more bite. Something substantial that could be good enough for a hearty breakfast. Not that cookies don't make the cut. I guess I was craving for something else.

It turned out to be muffins.

Oat Muffin

So I went on to search for an oat muffin recipe. But couldn't find any. I only found one fruit muffin recipe that had porridge oats in it.

Then it dawned upon me.

"Go concoct your own", echoed a voice, in my grey mass.

Sounds crazy, but that's just what I did. and viola. I had my very own Oatie Muffins for breakfast this morning. With lemon curd:

My muffin with lemon curd

And yes, it did taste good with the curd. Have it with jam or heck, even nutella.

One thing though. This muffin tends to lean towards the dense sticky side. So don't expect something light and fluffy. This recipe is low fat, and low sugar, and therefore very very healthy. So if you like yours with a sweeter zing, do feel free to add more sugar or even dried fruits like cranberries, apricots, figs or hey, add chocolate chips why don't you.


Cheryl's Natural Oatie Muffins

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup self-raising flour
2 tsp baking powder
3 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp honey
1 egg
dash of cinnamon
dash of 5 spice powder
200 ml milk

Combine dried ingredients and add milk.

Add the egg and honey and stir somemore and mix well.

Pour into paper cases and sprinkle some porridge oats on top and put in oven for about 20 minutes at 200 degrees celcius.

Makes about 10 muffins.

*Note: You can use wholemeal flour and skimmed milk if you want it to be even healthier! and do feel free to put however much cinnamon and five spice powder.


  1. hmmm... looks yummy.

  2. haha and the best part is, it's really NOT sinful at alL! a no guilt treat.. =)

  3. Everyone knows that healthy muffins are simply a vehicle for less-than-virtuous toppings (curd, nutella, etc). Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course! =)
    Love the new look, by the way.

  4. haha, but of course. =)

    it's an open secret... shh... at least it isn't as sinful as piling nutella on a chocolatey cupcake. hehe...

    it just so happens everything that tastes good is more likely to be unhealthy!

    ya.. i think this new layout is more light and cheery. love the dusty rose hue.

  5. Wow a healthy little treat. Sounds good!
