Won't you look at that! I'm the proud new owner of this fantastic looking recipe book! and guess what? it's alll about cookies. hahaaa... i'm sooo happy! my friend gave it to me today and I was practically drooling at the sight of the beautiful yummy pictures inside. and they have recipes for all kinds of cookies!
i've always wanted a cookie recipe book but never got down to actually getting one... cos i thought since the internet has so many recipes, what for waste money ya? But man, i'm so going to use this book alot in the future. There are so many recipes in there that i want to try!
But first, gotta get my mixer! Hopefully soon enough... shall check my bank account first. haha... Thanks colin for recommending the Bosch one! it sure seems durable and reliable... will definitely check it out. After all, KitchenAid is so out of the question for me right now. Wait till i save up enough ya.
Today was a rather lazy day. It was a holiday and i spent most of my afternoon and evening just chilling out with a friend in town. oh.... yes... we went to The V Tea Room. The one i mentioned yesterday. Will post pictures up very soon.
Allrighty, let's hope I don't dream of cookies tonight! well maybe it aint' too bad.. afterall, i guess eating cookies in your dreams won't lead to weight gain? hahaa....
hahaha you need to get a mixer too? check out my lastest post about me wanting to get a mixer! hahaha
oh yah, tangs is selling the Philips mixer at $69. looks good too me.
If you're on a budget, there is one by Toyomi (http://www.toyomi.com.sg/) that is selling at only $39.90 at NTUC. So cheap! I think it's quite reliable too. My oven is a Toyomi. My lucky draw prize hohoho
haha thanks for the tips! i actually bought the mixer yesterday. well not the whole contraption, but just the standalone mixer... didn't get the bowl and mixer stand. i figured since i was on a tight budget, i'd just get the mixer and use the bowl i still have from my old mixer. i bought the phillips one at John Little for $35.90. it's quite good actually. it even has this turbo button thing.. and 5 speeds. not too bad..
i guess i'll get a better one when i have enough cash! =) so which one are you getting?
hi chin ru,
haha yes, i know ALL about the wonders and magnificence of a Kitchen Aid mixer. My aunt has one and it works like a dream. She knows how envious I am of her mixer i tell you... my eyes light up whenever she uses it and i just simply carry on dreaming about the day i get one of my own. it IS definitely very expensive but very worth it nonetheless... it's a definite must have. wait till i have enough moo-lah. hahaa... then i can make all the meringue i want. yes, other mixers i've tried failed to give me those lovely stiff peaks i've always tried to achieve. sad huh. it's okay. i await the day when i own a Kitchen Aid of my own....! =)
P.S. thanks for dropping by. your blog looks great too! you're from vietnam, no? i love vietnamese food. i think it's very healthy and delicious. those spring rolls and beef noodles! slurp...
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