Saturday, May 21, 2005

In a hurry for some curry

Curry Favor

As most of you would have known by now, I've developed an affection for Japanese curry. I love the sweetness of it and how it can still have a tinge of spiciness. Of course, the thick paste-like texture appeals to me. Tastes good with rice or udon. Delicious.

Today I checked out Curry Favor, a place that's quite known for it's jap curry. Have heard alot about it but never had the time to actually go try it. But today I finally went with some friends I've not seen in a while. And I must say I lapped up every single drop of the curry. You'll know why when you see the pictures and hear what i have to say about their culinary delight.

Katsu Ebi Fry Curry

This is what I ate: Katsu Ebi Fry Curry ($18.50). The meat you see over there is fried pork cutlet and a large ebi (prawn)... the red thing is some pickled vegetable. And there you have it, can you see the curry spilling out of the lovely 'lamp'-like steel holder? I tried to take this active shot whilst pouring the curry over my rice and meat.

It wasn't easy because I was this close to just gobbling up the food! I was rather hungry. Well because one of my friends got caught in a jam and was more than an hour late... so my stomach was screaming for food by then.

I must say the prawn did not disappoint. It was large indeed and sweet and succulent. It was a joy to bite into. Love the crispy breaded crust. Added a certain crunch to it. The pork cutlet was well cooked and went well with the curry. I requested for my curry to be spicy and spicy it was. Just the way I like it. But the good thing is, the spiciness didn't cover all of the Jap curry's natural sweetness. You can still taste a hint of sweetness as you let the curry swirl in your mouth... Only after eating more of it then you'll feel the fiery sting, though subtle. It ain't over powering. This is Japanese curry after all, not indian or thai curry. I love curries! and this place just became my favourite place.


This is cuttlefish roll with cheese ($5.50). If you think it looks good here, wait till you put them in your mouth. My my, i've never ever tasted a combination of cuttle fish and cheese this good. It was VERY satisfying. Ya, i know, it was supposed to be an appetiser but we actually ordered it after we had our curry. My friend had tried it before and strongly recommended it.

All I can say is, I had no regrets making space for these yummy little morsels of pure ecstasy. I don't usually compare something savoury with the term ecstasy but I shall make it an exception this time.. Why so? because these rolls are really worth a try! You cannot afford to not try them! The cheese was still warm when the rolls were served to us. Once in our mouths, it melded with the tender cuttlefish very well. Mind you, the cuttlefish was soft and easy to bite. Not at all elastic. Which was excellent. Cheese and cuttlefish never tasted better together. I was clearly impressed. I don't mind just going back there for these rolls next time! I thought the cheese was only coating the top of the rolls but I was surprised when I discovered that they actually stuffed some of the cheese in the rolls. Amazing stuff. Go try it if you can! please! =)

Well it was a great end to a tiring day. Or rather, a tiring week at work. This dinner really put me in better spirits. We were so stuffed that we actually walked quite a bit to let the food digest better. We walked to the Esplanade and that was when I discovered this gem: The V Tea Room. It opened only about 8 months back. But man, it looked like I just stepped into Little Venice. I'll write more about that later, when I actually do get to drink tea and have cake there. We were simply too full to make a stop.. but i did get to speak to the lady in charge of the place.... Will be going down for a review some time soon. i'll update you guys. Till then.. have a great weekend!

P.S. Happy Vesak Day to those celebrating it! I'm gonna bake cinnamon buns and peanut butter cookies tomorrow night! will post about it when i'm done....


Curry Favor
39 Stamford Road
Tel: 6883-1087

4 out of 5 burps ****



  1. HI there i chanced upon your blog and I must say it's fantabulous!! I love all the recipes that were featured. They look so good that I get hungry while viewing them. BY the way, I'm not good at cooking. Can only whip up dishes such as stir fried vegetables and simple sandwiches. Guess what? I don't even know how to cook rice! However, I would like to learn how to cook and bake. Especially lots and lots of brownies and cakes cookies etc. Therefore, Pls add me to your list so that I can ask you any questions I don't know if there are any. ThanksSHorthairedhic

  2. Hi, I've been reading your site recently. Never left behind any comment, just pure simple admiration towards your baking culinary. Simply superb! But this time, after reading your review on this Curry Favour restaurant, I'd like to comment on something.

    Honestly, I have the exact opposite opinions on the food served at the restaurant. One of their items, The Mushroom Curry Rice, which was ordered by my friends, is not as divine as claimed. The cuttlefish cheese rolls, are too cheesy and strong-flavored. Not to forget the dessert which we ordered, where we had 2 pieces of brownies (minus the ice-cream since they claimed they ran out of vanilla ice-cream stock that night), it pales in comparison to even TCB's brownie, sad to say that.

    Well, perhaps our tastebuds are different. Hope you won't find be offended =)

  3. hi shothairedhic,

    haha... well baking and cookin is easy. just gotta have patience and willingness to learn and experiment =)

    feel free to ask me any questions at all.... i'll be more than happy to help! haha brownies and cookies esp are my specialities.. so ya, you've come to the right person..

    hey michelle,

    well i didn't try the mushroom curry rice.. so can't comment on that. but as for the cuttlefish cheese rolls, i guess you're right... the reason why i loved it, was because of the cheese. I love cheese and well expectedly, I liked that they made it very cheesy. But ya, i know where you're coming from. diff people have diff tastes obviously.

    I didn't have any dessert there, so again, can't comment on that. Honestly speaking, my comments about curry favor was based solely on what i had there.

    no worries =) i'm in no way offended at all. i welcome all feeback and comments. at least i know what not to try next time.. heh. but thanks for dropping by and for giving me your honest thoughts. much appreciated!

    PS. I do know that taka basement 1 has a jap place which sells good jap curry too i think. my friends told me about it. not sure about its name though.

    heya mich,

    yes yes, i have to agree with you on that. fried stuff taste so good! i'm thinking Old Chang Kee here. .haha and fries.. etc... list goes on. the katsu and ebi was fried of course... and i thought it was yummy. u can't really go wrong when you fry...

    hmmm the meal cost? well i went with 3 friends and we paid about $50++ in total... But the price range varies. like their curries... some costs $13.90... and some, $24.90 (seafood curry). really depends. but I paid about $22+ for my share.

    ya... do try out curry favor when you're back here and tell me what you think =)
