I know I know, it's been weeks since I last posted!
But I have a very good reason. A reason that I'm rather proud of. It's not only because I truly believe in it but also because of the hope it brings to Asia, to those in the culinary profession or basically anyone who campaigns good food.
Regular readers might be aware that I've been working full-time as an editorial consultant since January. I haven't revealed much of what I do but today all shall be revealed.
And here I present to you, The Miele Guide - Asia's first truly independent restaurant guide.
We just launched Phase 2 - where YOU get to tell us which are Asia's best restaurants. Please do cast your votes online at our beautifully designed site.
Allow me to credit the hardworking team who helped make this a reality. Who better to get the first mention than the bosses. I do give it to him and S for sticking to their guns and putting money where their mouths are. I'm learning plenty from them and of course it helps to have bosses who understand your love for food especially since they themselves are major foodies. And then there's my wonderful colleague, P, who's the associate publisher. I've never seen anyone as commited to her job as her. She's one of those thoughtful individuals who wake up early just to buy 5 boxes of paus and egg tarts for the entire office for breakfast.
Of course there's also the ultra-talented web team made up of A, (who's better known as Popagandhi) the web consultant, a capable web designer and a smart web programmer. The three of them have been clocking in long hours prior to the launch day, along with P and I must say they did a great job. Seriously. I'm impressed at how they turn an idea into pixels and html. What can I say, I'm quite the html-idiot. That's why my blog is so plain and simple.
When I first joined the team, I knew it was going to be a ride but I didn't expect it to be this amazing. Right now I'm more than excited about the guide, the doors it opens and of the recognition of Asia's culinary gems. It's been long overdue I say.
So how do you vote and change culinary history? You have to first register - it's easy peasy, takes you less than the amount of time you take to tie your shoe laces, or cream your butter and sugar. Now, here's the icing on the cake - every person who votes stands to win one of three uber cool prizes that will dazzle you. Winners will be able to dine with a friend at the top-ranked restaurants in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Tokyo (respectively). On top of that, you'll enjoy a 2-night stay at a five-star hotel in each city.
What's the voting process like? First of all, you have a maximum of 10 votes and if you live in one of the 16 Asian countries we're covering, you can only vote for up to 3 restaurants in your home-country. Best yet, you need not kill trees with physical voting a la pen and paper. We are definitely tree lovers so you can only vote online and it's really very simple. All you have to do is choose the country whose restaurants you wish to vote for and you'll see the restaurant shortlist. You can then select your choice retaurants or nominate those that are not already in the list.
Trust me, it's one of the most, if not, only democratic process ever implemented by a restaurant guide. Which gives you more reason to VOTE NOW.
Want to know how The Miele Guide came to be? Read Chubby's Hubby's story. Still want more? read his latest post about the guide.
Visit The Miele Guide's website today to find out more. You can also pre-order the guide at our shop. While you're at it, how about joining our facebook group? That way you won't be kept in the dark. Trust me, with The Miele Guide, it's all about transparency, and credibility.
Here's to good food, fine company and a beautiful slim red guide that will forever change the history of restaurants in Asia.
1 comment:
You're so lucky to be working in an industry and project that you have such a strong passion in :)
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