Monday, October 30, 2006

Wholemeal Chocolate Almond Coffee Cake

an entire wholemeal chocolate almond coffee cake

Yesterday, I succumbed to my urge...

...and baked - even though I really should have been hard at work meeting my deadlines. Well I really couldn't help it.

You see, sometimes when I face a mind block and just simply cannot concentrate, I find that it helps if I rest my mind and do something else.

Hmmm.. okay or maybe that's just a lame excuse for me to bake. haha.

It's not my fault! My hands were simply itching to bake something yum. In fact, I had a recipe that I've been dying to use - just that I haven't got the time of late.

So I finally got down to it and baked that cake you see above and I loved the result. My family liked it and so did JF. And here's a virtual slice for you my dear reader:

wholemeal chocolate almond coffee cake

This cake is rather different from the ones I usually bake. Due to the grounded almonds, the cake had a loose texture which made it crumbly and really nutty. Perfect for nut-lovers. The fact that it was combined with wholemeal plain flour just made it even yummy. As a wheat/multigrain/wholemeal lover, I have to say that this cake really made my day. The nutty undertones of the wholemeal totally melded with the almonds and chocolate.

I gotta admit that I ate quite a bit of the cake! Perhaps it's because of the fact that it's not as sinful. But you know what; despite it being quite healthy, it really tasted good. The dark chocolate did the trick.

The original recipe called for hazelnuts but I had none at hand so I used almonds instead. To make it more chocolatey, I added in some cocoa powder. As usual, I cut down the sugar. Ended up using only 180g of sugar - and that worked out fine for me because I don't like my chocolate cake too sweet because it would overpower the chocolate taste.

I love this recipe and I think it's a great recipe to try out if you want to play around with your ingredients. This is a recipe from Nigel Slater but I can't remember which blog I got it from. Well anyhow, I'm glad I copied it into my computer!

Oh, before I go, here's an extra tip the recipe includes: you can add orange zest or finely chopped fruit like dried apricots or prunes. Also, walnuts and almonds work fine, if you don't have hazelnuts!

Man, I should make another one with hazelnuts. Chocolate and hazelnuts - a divine combination. Just think Nutella! Heh... you know what, I think I will add some nutella in the cake batter the next time I bake it. Nothing goes wrong with Nutella, trust me :)


Wholemeal Chocolate, Hazelnut & Coffee cake
an adapted recipe from Nigel Slater's Appetite - p.438.

250g butter (1 block)
125g soft brown sugar
125g white or raw sugar (feel free to play with these sugar amounts)
4 large eggs
3-4 tablespoons strong espresso coffee
250g wholemeal plain flour
2 heaped teaspoons baking powder
200g skinned hazelnuts, coarsely ground (I used almonds)
250g good, dark chocolate - coarsely chopped (it should look like gravel)

23cm springform cake tin or a normal cake tin.


Line the tin with greaseproof paper and set the oven to 180C.

Cream the butter and sugars until fluffy and pale.

Add in eggs one at a time, beating lightly between each addition. Don't worry if the mixture curdles. Stir in the coffee.

Add the flour and baking powder and fold them in. Now fold in most of the hazelnuts and chopped chocolate, keeping a little back for the top of the cake. The mixture should be quite firm.

Spoon the batter into the lined tin and smooth the top. Scatter over the remaining hazelnuts and nuts

Bake for about 1h 20 minutes or until the cake is springy. Test it with a skewer - it should come out clean.

Let cool for 30 minutes before cutting. This cake is best served warm.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Krusteaz Oat Bran Pancake

Krusteaz Oatbran Pancakes

Quick breakfasts are important to me these days because I just want to quickly fill my tum and get on to my assignments or to school. I live terribly far from school and would always have to wake up pretty early just to get to my morning classes. It takes me about 1 and a half hours to reach school. So I'd have to be really quick on my feet especially on days where I have morning lectures and so on!

I don't usually like using pre-mixes but on occasions like this that calls for something hassle-free, I have to compromise. These days, I have been having oat bran pancakes for breakfast and I love it because it is healthy and it fills me up! Best of all, you can do your own combination oat bran pancakes.

What do I mean? At the side of the box, there's a recommendation for those who want to add more omph to the pancakes. For example, add 1/4 grated carrots and 1/4 raisins for your own Carrot Raisin Pancakes or 1/4 cup peeled, chopped apples and 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon for Apple Cinnamon pancakes.

Here's a shot of the carrot and raisin version:

carrot raisin oatbran pancakes

It's pretty yummy and sometimes I even add some wheatgerm to up the health-factor :)

The people at Krusteaz just know how to make our lives all so much easier!

P.S. I bought this at Raffles City's Jason's Market Place.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

God's Words Biscuits

manna biscuit

Yes there is joy in His presence! :)

I just have to tell you about about these biscuits I came across at the recent CJC J1 retreat. They were giving it out to all the students and I was so tickled by them. How novel!

Manna biscuits, or God's Words Biscuits:

manna biscuit

Inside that simple bright orange box lies something really holy... haha

manna biscuit

How cool is that eh? Bible verses and quotes printed on biscuits. I think I feel holier just by eating a few :p

I know it's just words printed on biscuits but this is the first time I've seen these.

manna biscuit

I couldn't bear to eat them at first. But then I can't possibly keep them forever ya? SO chomp chomp chomp I go...

manna biscuit

I hear that churches sell them? Anyone who know, please share? These are so cute, really! What a fun way to spread God's words ya? And if you're wondering how the biscuits taste like - crisp and yum. haha just like any normal biscuit... except that you're consuming God's words!

Now, if only they printed notes on it. Then during exams I'll just eat biscuits with my exam notes on it and feel smarter. Haha, how lame.

Okie dokie, I'm off to bed. Been squeezing my brain dry. I've met one deadline. There's just two more to go and a test to start studying for! I'm hungry..... but I think I'll just sleep it off. Too tired to eat. This is what happens when you burn just too much midnight oil.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Anna Ginger Almond Thins

Anna Ginger Almond Thins

Found these at Ikea's little food section and love it to bits. It's very cheap too. Only $2 per box.

I like ginger so that's what caught my eye. I seldom see ginger being paired with almonds so I had to try these. They also have the ones with just the ginger.

I recommend these with mocha or just about any hot drink. Makes for a great snack!

Ginger Almond Thins

Speaking of snacks, heh, I find that I snack alot more when the deadlines and exams are looming! Is it just a girl thing? But sometimes, I do feel more hungry - hmm or maybe my mind's just messing with me.

Been so busy that I haven't been quite regulary with my running! Which is quite bad considering that my marathon is in December... I'm supposed to be training alot! Oh well, I have got to prioritise anyway. Top of my list: Meeting my deadlines! I have 2 papers due this week, 1 next week and one more the following week. On top of that, I've got a test next week too. Okay, pace yourself Cheryl!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Truffles to die for

truffles galore

Yesterday, I got a real treat. Just check out that box of 'gold' above.

I did spend quite a while just sniffing the heavenly scent and staring at the ingenious shape of these gems.

Not one to be selfish, I shared them with some of my friends and they were bowled over.

What am I swooning about?

Truffles that's out of this world of course... and that's all thanks to Julius, my chocolatier friend who has his own online chocolate business.

He let me try two of his 'Volcs' - one called Volcs Black, and the other, Volcs Remy:

volcs remy

These are simply the bomb I tell you. Containing a good deal of Remy Martin XO Cognac, the Volcs Remy promises to give you a high like no other. Come on, dark chocolate and alcohol? Perfect.

I realised what I've been missing out. Julius Truffles are something that's oh-so-unique that you really can't find it sold elsewhere.

Julius Truffles

This dude is really creative and has added more items to his virtual chocolate shop, including the special AVOLCS Box of Nine.

Volcs black

AVOLCS is his latest venture and it seems that his chocolates are going to take the local chocolate scene by storm.

Be sure to take a bite off his decadent creations. You really won't regret it. I know I didn't. With chocolate this good, everything else seems blase.

Julius the Truffle man is here to stay!

To order, email
or visit AVOLCS.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New Menu at Miss Clarity Cafe

polished plate
A polished plate says it all!

My utmost favourite cafe in Singapore has something new to offer you hungry peeps!

And I'm not talking about your usual cafe fare a la sandwiches or fish and chips... No no. The good people at Miss Clarity are going Italian and French.

Well they'll still be cooking up their signature dishes but the talented chef has been busy coming up with brand new dishes that exhibit his creativity and innovative ways.

You will never look at cafe food the same way again I assure you. While tasting some of the new dishes, I almost forgot I was in a cafe. It definitely felt like I was in some posh Italian restaurant, minus the cut-throat prices of course. No kidding.

Okay enough of me rambling. Here's some of the dishes from their new menu:

risotto venere

This is the Risotto Venere with Steamed Seabass & Vegetable Cream ($13.80). The black rice is actually wild risotto that the chef orders from overseas (forgot which country though!). This is my absolute favourite because I really love risotto. The vegetable cream melds well with the rice and gives you that smooth creamy feel that really sent me on a high. Honestly, I was enjoying the risotto so much that I almost forgot about the lovely seabass. I like the idea of fish and risotto - it lifts the heaviness of the rice. Deliciously heavenly. Sometimes the most simplest combinations give you the best gastronomic experience

oyster ravioli

Next up: Oyster Ravioli with Clams Vinaigrette ($11.80). Gosh, I tell you, Jonanthan (the chef) is a genius. He makes the ravioli skins from scratch mind you. It is one of the best ravioli I've eaten. The skin is very different from the ones I've tried at other Italian restaurants. This one is kind of translucent and literally glides down your throat - it's that smooth. The vinaigrette is refreshing and light.

grilled slipperlobster pasta

If you like seafood, you'll like their Grilled Slipper Lobster with Capellini and Tomato Lobster Cream ($15.80). The homemade cream was tasty and I liked how they chose capellini to go with the lobster. It's a thinner pasta that doesn't take the attention away from the tender lobster. Perfect.

black pasta

Ahh.... pure black bliss.

You know, when I talk about those black strands, all my friends go 'eeeee'. I really don't know why black is seen as icky and gross? Hmmmm you see, colours really matter sometimes. But heh for me, you know I never really like to judge anything by appearance. If it tastes good, I'd eat it! And I did eat it.....

squid ink pasta with stuffed squid

I ate the awesome Squid Ink Linguine with Stuffed Squid & smothered with Coriander Dressing.

This dish is not out on their menu just as yet. But it will be, soon, in November. Akan Datang! (Malay for Coming soon!) Do look out for it.

I dig their squid ink pasta. They cooked it with butter I suppose because it tasted really rich and delicious. Oo-la-la. Check out what's inside the stuffed squid:

squid ink pasta

Healthy eh? I couldn't agree more. That's what I like about the food at Miss Clarity Cafe! It's not only uber scrumptious, but healthy as well. Each visit to the place makes me smile ever so widely. There's really nothing better than a good meal.

So there you have it. Some of their new items. Oh, you know, they even serve French escargots in garlic butter and Red wine Risotto with Pan-seared scallops. I haven't tried those yet. Why don't you try it and tell me about it?

Anyway they're currently working out their Christmas menu and I think they're gonna do something exciting! Might also work out something with them for you my dear readers :) So stayed tuned ya!

Their website is up, go have a look:

Monday, October 16, 2006

Cakes from Slizes

Chocolate Swiss Rolls
amazing chocolate swiss rolls from Slizes

Deadlines are looming and for the next three weeks or so, I'll be posting less so bear with me!

Anyway I really have to tell you all about some amazing chocolate cake I just discovered over the weekend. Amplify organised a prayer prep for the upcoming CJC retreat on Saturday and one of the CJC teachers sponsored some cakes for refreshments. These cakes are the bomb.

From Slizes, an online bakery set up by a lady by the name of Marie, the chocolate swiss rolls (see above picture) and chocolate fudge cake, were superb.

Chocolate Fudge Cake

I was seriousy hooked on the cakes. The fudge cake was really moist and the fudge was chocolatey but not too cloying. Man, this lady's really good! I was bowled over. There were brownies too but didn't have time to snap a shot of them. The swiss rolls were perfect. Fluffy sponge cake filled with a generous amount of chocolate cream. Mmmmm.... You have to try these cakes if you are a fan of light chocolate cakes that don't come with the guilt :)

Do check out the website: for the prices and more pictures. Apparently she also sells Durian and Blackforest cakes! Wow-wee... how come no one ever told me about them?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Homecooked food is always the best

Dad’s Beef Curry

Nothing ever beats the aroma that comes from the kitchen whenever someone at home cooks. Especially when your family is skilled and always whips up delicious food that you have no problem polishing up.

If your dad was a former chef, you would know what I mean. If there's any one who never fails to impress me in the kitchen at home, it's Dad. No matter what he's cooking, whether is it something typically Peranakan, Western or Chinese, his food is always so appetising. I don't think there was any instance where I didn't finish the food that he cooked. Especially not his amazing curry!

Curries to me, are like golden liquid, essential to every self-professed chilli-queen. I do like my curries spicy and it helps that Dad's curries are always fiery-hot! He makes the best devil curry, assam pedas, fish head curry, and yes, beef curry (as shown above)!

What can I say, he is the best cook at home. I can't beat him! I'm bent on mastering his amazing culinary skills. Just you wait and see! haha.

Speaking of homecooked food, I have to show you guys this:

Hainanese wrapped rice

That's a Hainanese dish one of my aunts made. My fifth aunt to be exact.

It looks alot like the Malay ketupat, except that this one's more rectangular. The texture is quite different too because there's a mix of both normal white rice and glutinous rice.

Hainanese Rice

In the middle is some pork and chestnut stuffing - that definitely makes it authentically Hainanese.

Cross section hainanese rice

It was really yummy! My aunt brought it to my second aunt's housewarming gathering last weekend. I love family gatherings alot. The maternal side of my family is really huge! My grandma has 8 daughters (my mum being one of them) and whenever we get together for birthdays, Christmas, Chinese New Year or whenever, every one of them will bring food - and their children. So you can imagine how noisy it is. And the spread, man, it's so tantalising and it's like a marvellous buffet! All of them can bake and cook really really well - all except my mother. Heh, oh well, I can't really complain since I have a Dad who can cook.

Nothing ever beats homecooked food. No matter how busy I am in future, I will make sure my own children will always have freshly cooked food at home; food that I've prepared myself! No way am I going to subject them to the unhealthy oily and salty msg laden food from outside. Besides, homecooked food is so much cheaper! Yes siree....

I really salute this dedicated mum who makes a Bento for her kids everyday: Check that blog out, it's really cool! She documents photos of the bentos she makes. So adorable and sweet!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My Sociology of Food Cooking Project

baked pasta
You're looking at the dinner I had yesterday.

It was not only super easy to make; it tasted amazing! Well, it's quite hard to go wrong when you're dealing with baked pasta eh? All you need is some cheese, pasta, some ingredients and you're ready to go.

This baked pasta was the work of me and my group of friends from my Sociology of Food tutorial. Our task was to cook up a meal with a $25 budget. Sounds simple? Yes, it was that simple and we spent only $20! How cool is that? All five of us, Jason, Kathy, Lina and Suk Ching met at Bedok MRT and went grocery shopping at NTUC before heading to my place to cook.

I don't have a fancy-looking kitchen but well, it's quite well-equipped and it's good enough. This project was pretty fun. I enjoyed myself and I'm sure the rest did. Everyone chipped in. Some chopped the ingredients, while others helped prepare the other ingredients:

Kathy chops the tomatoes

That's Kathy chopping the tomatoes!

Here's Lina slicing the ham and Jason in the background checking on the boiling pasta:

lina slices the ham

It didn't take us long to prepare all the ingredients because there were 5 pairs of hands.

Washing up was fast too, and hey hey, here's Jason helping out Kathy:

washing dishes

Anyway, I was so busy I didn't have time to take that many pictures so what you see here might not be a fair representation of who did what. But all I can say is that everyone had a part to play and it certainly was fun finding out who is good at what.

By the time the pasta was ready, we were so hungry but managed to bear a while for a group shot with our glorious pasta:

limelight on pasta
From left: Kathy, Jason, Lina, Suk Ching & Me

Our baked pasta was the highlight that evening! Cue spotlight!

So there you have it, the fruits of our labour, our baked pasta:

pork basil fried rice

Yummy. The pasta was delicious and we were all happy. Thanks guys for all the help! It was a good end to the evening.

To me, it didn't felt like a project at all. haha, or maybe because I am so used to cooking? Anyhow, we did a lot of substitution for this dish and I think it sure taught everyone how anyone can be creative when whipping up a meal.

The original recipe called for rigatoni but they didn't have it at this NTUC outlet so we settled for elicoidali. I did some research and found out that they are soooo many types of tubular pasta!. There's ziti, tortiglioni, elicoidali, rigatoni, manicotti, paccheri, etc. I was quite intrigued and really amazed. In fact, I can't really tell the difference between elicoidali, ziti and tortiglioni because they're so similar! Man, I really am loving the variety of pasta. So creative the Italians!

Our recipe is adapted from Bon Appetit's Baked Rigatoni with Ham, Tomatoes and Feta Cheese recipe. We did a number of substitutions because some ingredients couldn't be found at that NTUC outlet - like the feta cheese. We replaced it with parmesan instead and changed the ham to chicken ham because Lina's Muslim. Then we added button mushrooms to the pasta for more bite and used oregano instead of thyme. So this is our final recipe:

Baked Chicken Ham Pasta

12 ounces (340g) elicoidali
1 1/2 cups diced chicken ham (about 8 ounces, 230g)
4 large tomatoes, chopped
1 cup chopped button mushrooms
1 1/4 cup grated parmesan (125g)
1 cup (packed) grated mozzarella cheese (about 4 ounces or 113g)
1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 cup whipping cream

Preheat oven to 375°F/190 degrees celcius.
Butter 13 x 9 x 2-inch glass baking dish.
Cook pasta in large pot of boiling salted water until just tender but still firm to bite. Once pasta is done, drain it and transfer to the baking dish.
Mix in ham, tomatoes, mushrooms, parmesan, mozzarella cheese and oregano. Pour cream over. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and toss to blend. Cover with foil.
Bake pasta 15 minutes. Uncover and stir to coat pasta evenly with melted cheeses. Cover again. Bake until heated through, about 30 minutes longer.

Serves 6.

*Note* You can add more cheese if you like. Some of us felt that we could do with more cheese! :)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cool eats at Alexandra Village

Xin Fei Fei Wanton Mee

Ever since I started on my hunt for good wanton mee, I can't help but feel the need to try out every wanton mee stall I see.

I could be planning to eat rice or Hokkien Mee, but the moment I see a stall which says wanton mee, I feel obligated to have that. Is that good or bad, you tell me? Well I suppose it's due to my curiousity and my need to find the best of the best.

You've read my comments on the Kok Kee Wanton Noodles, so here's my take on another one I've tried, for the first time:

wanton noodles

Xin Fei Fei Wanton Mee. Usually I don't really trust those 'food programme approved' signs. I'm sure you locals know what I mean. There has been an influx on the number of food programmes and sometimes I wonder what's their agenda - to inform the public of really yummy good eats or to simply fill in the tv timeslot.

Ya it sounds harsh but true! Alot of stalls that have been featured on those foodie programmes that hunt for the best of the best; well they usually carry the sign on their signboard. Some are authentically good, some are just so-so. Then why did I try this stall then? Maybe I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. I like taking risks so I took one. I bought the $3 portion of this stall's wanton mee. Did I like it? Hmm, honestly, it didn't wow me but it tasted ordinarily good. The noodles not rubbery, but then again, not as nice as the Kok Kee one. This one came with 3 fried wantons and 3 other wantons in a bowl of soup. The wantons were tasty, not too bad and the char siew pretty all right. Was I bowled over? Not exactly, but I wasn't exactly turned off anyway, so it's good :)

Feeling rather thirsty after that bowl of noodles, I was looking for something refreshing and I decided to go with something fruity. Hmmm I've never ever tried drinking this but have heard loads about it so I decided to just go for it. I bought it from this stall:

Cathay Fruit Juice

Exotic Juice eh? How exotic can they get? As exotic as milky green juice? Juice of an avocado?

Honestly, I've only ever had avocado a few times in my life. I hardly use it in my cooking and I seldom buy them. All I know is that it has a lovely milky green hue that is quite soothing on the eye:

Avocado Milk Shake

Was it exotic enough for me? Well it tasted creamy and JF said it tasted like kaya (coconut egg jam) and I kind of agree. It was a pleasant drink actually and I quite like it. I must try the durian milk shake the next time round. Please do go check out this stall and tell me if you like it!

Alexandra Village is really cool and although I hardly go there (only pop by the place when I'm at Queensway Shopping Centre or at Ikea), I'm beginning to like it. Especially their claypot laksa!


Cathay Exotic Juice

Xin Fei Fei Wanton Mee
Blk 120, Bukit Merah Lane 1
Alexandra Village (Hawker Centre)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Happy Birthday to my dearest sister!

Birthday cake

Today's my sister's birthday. She turns 15 and I decided to cook for her.

My parents were out of town visiting my grandma in Klang so the house was pretty quiet. My brother wasn't home so it was just me and her, and JF whom I invited to share the joy and good eats.

You're probably wondering what birthday cake I baked?

Wanna guess?

Devil's Food Cake

I've baked this cake before but using a different recipe and frosting.

It was tough deciding what cake to bake. I actually wanted to bake something that didn't have chocolate (considering that most of what I bake always has chocolate!). But it was my dear sister's birthday and she wanted something chocolate so I baked a Devil's Food Cake, the Williams-Sonoma way.

I've noticed that Williams-Sonoma's recipes are really detailed and very descriptive. Not that I don't like it this way. It's just that some of the recipes require you to read through it a few times. Is that good or bad? I think both. Good because it gives you a better idea of what steps you should take, bad when you are in a rush and don't like to go through so many paragraphs just to find out that all you needed to do was to mix something with something and cream it or cook it etc. Haha, oh well but I guess different recipes work differently! Anyhow, the cake was fine, and baked well. But there was one problem: the frosting.

The cake called for Coffee Meringe Buttercream which I made (the Williams-Sonoma book had the recipe) but I lacked a candy thermometer. The recipe required me to gauge and boil some sugar syrup until it reached a certain temperature.

Despite not having a candy thermometer, I still went ahead with it and I suspect that I estimated wrongly. Heh, I don't suppose that I can tell the temperature by vision alone? So the buttercream wasn't as thick as I expected but it was usable. I just frosted the cake real quick and put it into the fridge.

It tasted yummy though. I reduced the sugar for the cake yet again and it was fine the way it was.

So what did we have for dinner?

Ever heard of orzo?


It's actually my first time using it. I think it's used quite often in Greek dishes.

The dish also required some crushed tomatoes with added puree:

Stewed Tomatoes

I bought stewed tomatoes instead and I think it added more flavour to the dish.

Kalamata Olives

Then there was Kalamata olives too..

What did I cook?

Chicken with Tomato and Feta Cheese Sauce. Got the recipe from Epicurious yet again. It's kind of Greek inspired I think. The recipe recommended it to be served with orzo too - ya that's why I bought those rice-shaped pasta.

How did it go? It tasted great but there was one problem. I didn't think it looked nice enough. To be honest, it looked weird. I think the sauce ended up too watery and the feta cheese didn't fully dissolve (is it supposed to? i don't know?). I was rather disappointed. But oh well, you can't judge a dish by the way it looks right?

So here's the chicken and the orzo before I pour the sauce:

before the sauce

and here's a shot of it after I pour the sauce:

Chicken with tomato and feta cheese sauce

Looks messy eh? I keep thinking if I did something wrong... not sure but I might cook this again because it's really delicious. Well the birthday girl loved it :)

Anyway it was a great Sunday and to my dearest, sweetest sister, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love ya lots! You're the best sister ever....

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The tale of the short-lived radish

Hi Mr Radish

Hello there, My name is Mr. Radish. I got to know Cheryl because Jasmine, my owner, knows her.

I met Cheryl yesterday. I think she was pretty excited when she saw me.

Perhaps she's never seen a radish before.

Oh wait, she's supposed to be a foodie... so I guess she must have known it was me. Afterall, I'm quite recognisable.

I appear mostly in fried carrot cake that the locals love eating at the hawker centre. I don't know why they call me carrot when I'm actually a radish. Weird Singaporeans.

Anyway I'm from Taiwan and Jasmine bought me because she thought I was cute. Don't you think I am cute?

Alas my cuteness couldn't stop her from eating me...

Jasmine Eats radish

Stupid Cheryl, she told Jasmine to try eating me and see how I tasted.

This is sad....

I've only been in Singapore for a few weeks and now I have to depart from this world.

I've been a good radish though and I hope I get to vegetable heaven

Radish dies

Oh, the angel is here to take me to the light.

So I have to say good bye. It was nice to be here while it lasted. I don't blame Jasmine for eating me. I'm meant to be eaten.

BUT thing is, ain't I not a real radish? I thought I was something that looked like a radish. Hmmm anyway I think Cheryl is really apologetic. Well don't feel too bad Cheryl, I have forgiven you... good bye..

Radish last words

The End.


Haha, hope you enjoyed that really silly tale. I just felt like doing something like that. Sorry I haven't been updating as often! You know how busy school is for me... But yay I'm gonna bake and cook tomorrow because it's my sister's birthday! Will post about it soon ya... Take care you all.

P.S. That was a radish pencil case in case you were wondering. :)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Kok Kee Wanton Noodle

Kok Kee Stall

When you see a long queue in front of a stall, it's a sign.

A sign that it has got to be good. So good that it takes about 30 minutes for you to get your order.

That's what happened to me. It could have been faster, but the people in front of me each ordered about 5 to 6 packets to go. Gosh, I was really starting to get impatient mostly because I was very hungry and rushing for time.

But I persevered because Leo and Cass insisted that it was well worth the wait. And so I waited...

and I waited and when it came to my turn, I got this:

Kok Kee Wan Tan Noodles

and was I happy?

You bet!

I was satisfied beyond measures.

It more than satisfied my wanton mee craving; it made me see the dish a different way.

Why so? Well you would have to go down to this stall to know exactly what I mean.

Only one elderly lady is behind the stall cooking tirelessly and another lady who packs and prepares the plates for serving.

Hats off to the cook who patiently cooks the noodles 3 times in different temperatured water. First it's in hot boiling water, then in room temperatured water and then in cold water, I think.

All I know is that these noodles taste divine. And I didn't expect it to be this good, honestly. Now I know why people bother to queue up.

The sauce tasted great and the wanton was yummy too. I regret not buying the $4 one. Silly me ordered the $3 plate. Damn...

I have to go back there soon. Wanton noodle is my latest local favourite. I keep having these cravings for the dish of late! Please do go and try if you can.

Anyway, if you're looking for more places that sell good wanton mee, check out this LINK. I'm so going to go try the recommended places soon!

Kok Kee Wanton Noodle
Stall #1-06, Lavender Food Square
380 Jalan Besar
Opening hours Noon - 2am, closed every three weeks on Wednesdays and Thursdays