And so, my exams are officially over as of TODAY! Hurray! Come on, cheer with me! Yaaa Hooo! :)
Anyway, I finally received my BBM package from Sarah of
Cooking with the Headhunter on tuesday. Couldn't blog about it immediately cause of my exams but hey, I can, now! So be prepared for a whole slew of photos in this post. You will get to see what's in that box she sent me.
In fact, I'm so glad the box came on Tuesday. I had an exam in that exact afternoon and I heard it was going to be a tough paper so I was already rather anxious and nervous. But it was a delight to find the package delivered to me that exact morning! It really made my day. More so what was in the box that really touched me. Sarah had included a whole lot of goodies and even handmade stuff that represented christmas. I love Christmas but it's a pity that not much fuss is made out of it here. Well, other than the commercial aspect of gift-giving... I can safely say that Chinese New Year is more celebrated here than Christmas. Christmas is getting too hyped up I must say. The real reason for it has been watered down loads.
Allright then, it's time to reveal what's in the box. There's going to be lots of pictures so I'll let them speak for themselves and give only short comments:
a whole bunch of goodies awaits
Schiklosch - Yugoslavian cookies made by Sarah and her family
close up of schikloschYou know what? I'm like addicted to these cookies. Ever since I opened the box, I've been eating them non-stop. I can't help it! It's really that delicious. The top part is made of walnuts, cinnamon, cloves etc. The bottom's kind of like shortbread. Lovely. Sarah, you rock!
coconut macaroonsYet another yummy delight that Sarah made. My dad really like this one! I even packed some for him to bring to work. He copied the recipe Sarah sent and intends to make some of his own soon. Sarah, you have a new fan! Anyway those who want the recipes for the Schiklosch and Coconut macaroons can visit Sarah's post about them as her
cookie swap entry for the recent SHF/IMBB.
Look at all that chocolates! Sarah, did you read my mind or what? hahaa..
my utmost favourite. A special version of ferrero. But too bad they don't have it here in Singapore!
snowman peeps!I was thoroughly excited to see these peeps in the package! Why? That's because I've been soo curious about peeps eversince I watched how they were made on a programme that aired on Discovery Travel & Living some time back. I think it featured all-time favourite sweets and treats. They showed the original chick peep that used to be made for easter. Since then, there has been many peeps in different guises, like this one: the snowman!
a close up of Mr Snowman Peep. Ain't he cute?I love these peeps! They're so light and fluffy and not too sweet. Yum. I still have some. Gonna save it for some friends to try.
Tazo Tea - Blended black, green and Oolong teas.
Sarah, what can I say, You really sent me a dream package of all my favourite things. I love teas and I really loved the one you sent me. Thank you once again!
SpeculaasThese are speculaas that are made in germany. She sent me a pack of these. They're spice cookies and you can really taste the ginger and cinnamon in them. Perfect for eating with coffee and tea of course.
Homemade Christmas Ornament
Spongebob Squarepants socks
more christmas ornamentsAwww... I loved these ornaments and yes the socks too. It gave the package a personal touch and a very Christmas feel to it. It's like Santa visited me early this year. That's what so amazing about Blogging by Mail! You send and receive packages to total strangers, after which you make new friendships and chat about common interests and what not. I wouldn't have this opportunity of finding out about different cultures and traditions had I not taken part in the event! This is just so amazing. When I told my friends about my involvement in this blogging by mail edition and the past 2 ones, they were seriously surprised that such a thing exists! I suppose it's the part about receiving and sending things to strangers that they can't fanthom. But I guess they don't understand how passionate we are about food and all. Seriously, I love this food blogging community. It's grown so so big ever since I first discovered it! I adore the fact that people all over the world muse and share recipes and send homemade stuff from across the globe. It really warms my heart. :)
Okay, before I get all mushy, let me present the final thing in the package and my most favourite surprise:

A Martha Stewart Cookie Edition Magazine!!!!!
I was delighted when I saw this and started flipping through the pages. Here's a few pages to feed your senses:

Yummy huh? I'm so gonna try out these recipes soon. Sarah also included a flyer from Martin's, a supermart/grocer she frequents. It's interesting to see what kind of things are sold in other countries.
Man, this has been a very long post! But hey, it was necessary, since there were just so many lovely surprises Sarah included. You know, I was almost speechless by the time I rummaged through the box. She had also given me a cd of german christmas carols which i've started to listen and taken a liking to. Sarah has Hungarian/Yugoslavian roots and it has been interesting learning about her culture and tradition. This is certainly my best Blogging by Mail experience yet! I'm so looking forward to the next one.
Someday, I hope to actually visit these people who've sent me stuff and also the people I've sent stuff too. It'll be so fun and very interesting I figured! Ahaha... but that'll be a long time more. Got to finish my undergrad studies first eh? Okie Dokie... that's all for now...
P.S. Many thanks to Cathy of My Little Kitchen for hosting the third edition of BBM. Check out the other packages at the round up.
Food Ninja's hosting the fourth edition of Blogging by Mail, so hurry, send your particulars and sign up now!